2019.1.24每日一词 leapfrog


2019.1.24每日一词 leapfrog_第1张图片

2019.1.24每日一词 leapfrog_第2张图片

“leapfrog”既可以作名词也可以作动词。作名词它的本意是“跳马游戏、跳山羊游戏”,动词本意就是跳山羊(分腿跳过)这个动作,也常常引申为“突然超越、窜至、一跃超过”。这种引申的用法在外刊中很常见,恰当使用 leapfrog 可以让我们的表达更形象、生动、准确,如果能在口语和写作中自如使用这个词,相信可以给别人留下深刻的印象。


Within only a couple of years, she leapfrogged from an entry-level worker into a senior sales/engineering/marketing/product/PR/operations position.

But thanks to a happy combination of innovation and falling costs for renewable energy, Africa may now be able to leapfrog ahead not once but twice, skipping both polluting fossil fuel and, often, the electricity grid itself.
“Thanks to a happy combination of A and B, C may now be able to leapfrog ahead not once but twice, skipping both D and, often, E.” 这个句式在很多方面也适用于中国。

China almost skipped credit card payment and leapfrogged straight into mobile payment.

近几年来中外媒体都会探讨“中国崛起”这个概念,比如几年前《经济学人》官网搞了一次在线辩论,主持人在开场白中的一句话中就用到了 leapfrog:
Booster point to the soaring number of patents held by Chinese technology firms like Huawei and Lenovo, the number of Chinese PhDs in technical fields graduating each year and the success of Internet firms like Alibaba and Tencent as evidence that China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation.
“China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation”就是“中国一跃站到了世界创新的最前沿”,leapfrog强调了超越速度之快,让整句话变得画面感十足,十分值得背下来。


David leapfrogged his classmates to acquire the bachelor degree within half past two years.

David leapfrogged his classmates and obtained his bachelor’s degree within just two and a half years.

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