Static files in ASP.NET Core - ASP.NET Core中的静态文件处理(链接)

微软官网的这篇文章阐述了,在ASP.NET Core中的静态文件处理:

Static files in ASP.NET Core




启用非标准静态文件类型,可以让ASP.NET Core处理未知的静态文件类型,但是文章中也提到了这样做很危险,不建议这么做,推荐使用上面的FileExtensionContentTypeProvider来处理非标准的静态文件类型



ASP.NET Core apps hosted in IIS use the ASP.NET Core Module to forward all requests to the app, including static file requests. The IIS static file handler isn't used. It has no chance to handle requests before they're handled by the module.

由此可见,静态文件的HTTP请求在IIS中,会由ASP.NET Core Module转发到ASP.NET Core应用程序中进行处理,和IIS的处理程序并无关联。


你可能感兴趣的:(Static files in ASP.NET Core - ASP.NET Core中的静态文件处理(链接))