Food for our brain

All the learning and memorizing processes are electro-chemical functions in our brain, thus there are unbreakable links between the effective brain work and nutritions intake. There are listed tips for you to keep a scientifically helpful diet to keep your brain at an active, dynamic and viable state at a daily base.

1. Keep energy levels high

Our body needs energy constantly. But where does energy come from or is generated from? It comes from sugar compounds our body manufactured from those food we eat. It is vital to keep blood sugar level up during study times to maintain concentration. Helpful blood sugar comes from the carbohydrates and proteins which release energy over several hours. Eating sugar food provides instant but temporary energy. Directly speaking, to eat carbohydrates and proteins offers longer-lasting energy than to eat sugar does. Breakfast is particularly important for preparing brain to start working. Sportsmen and nutritionists suggest that even if one couldn't eat their breakfast on time, at least have some milk or soya product for protein intake. Binge eating will cause drowsiness cos energy is utilized for digestion.

2. Acid/alkaline food balance 

60% of alkaline food is believed to be ideal for the high-enegy, low-anxiety lifestyle which is more apt to assist easier confident learning. Common western diets are overloaded with foods that form acids and fail to sustain energy levels. What are alkaline food? They are vegetable, dried fruit, nuts and cereals. People who switch to eating more alkaline foods find that cravings are reduced, that they are calmer and fitter. 

3.  sufficient water and eat raw food often

Brain easily get dehydrated. So at least six cups of water everyday are needed. Raw foods protect the immune system, especially if they are eaten before cooked.

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