Node.js - module.exports 与 exports 的区别

简而言之 exports是 module.exports本地文件中的快捷方式(相当于引用),它不能实很好的实现导出功能。


exports.f = 123123


const a = require('./a');

a.js中改为exports = {f: 123}无法导出
a.js中改为module.exports = {f: 123}正常导出



Added in: v0.1.16

  • module.exports对象是由Module系统创建的,有时这是不能被接受的;很多人希望他们的module是一些class的实例。为此,将期望导出的对象赋值到module.exports。需要注意的是赋值期望的对象到exports会简单的将本地exports变量重新绑定,这很可能并不是所期望的结果。

    The module.exportsobject is created by the Module system. Sometimes this is not acceptable; many want their module to be an instance of some class. To do this, assign the desired export object to module.exports. Note that assigning the desired object to exports will simply rebind the local exports variable, which is probably not what is desired.

    For example suppose we were making a module called a.js

    const EventEmitter = require('events');
    module.exports = new EventEmitter();
    // Do some work, and after some time emit
    // the 'ready' event from the module itself.
    // 搞点事情,过一秒之后将'ready'事件从模块自身提交出去
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

    Then in another file we could do

    const a = require('./a');
    a.on('ready', () => {
      console.log('module a is ready');


    Note that assignment to module.exports must be done immediately. It cannot be done in any callbacks. This does not work:


    setTimeout(() => {
      module.exports = { a: 'hello' };
    }, 0);


    const x = require('./x');

    exports shortcut#

    Added in: v0.1.16

    它允许有一个快捷键,所以module.exports.f = ...可以更简洁的写为exports.f = ...然而,要意识到,和其他变量一样,假如有一个新的值被赋到exports上,那么它将不再绑定到module.exports:

    The exportsvariable is available within a module's file-level scope, and is assigned the value of module.exports before the module is evaluated.

    It allows a shortcut, so that module.exports.f = ... can be written more succinctly as exports.f = .... However, be aware that like any variable, if a new value is assigned to exports, it is no longer bound to module.exports:

    module.exports.hello = true; // Exported from require of module 从需求模块中导出
    exports = { hello: false };  // Not exported, only available in the module 没有导出,仅在模块中有效

    When the module.exports property is being completely replaced by a new object, it is common to also reassign exports, for example:

    module.exports = exports = function Constructor() {
      // ... etc.

    To illustrate the behavior, imagine this hypothetical implementation of require(), which is quite similar to what is actually done by require():

    function require(/* ... */) {
      const module = { exports: {} };
      ((module, exports) => {
        // Module code here. In this example, define a function.
        function someFunc() {}
        exports = someFunc;
        // At this point, exports is no longer a shortcut to module.exports, and
        // this module will still export an empty default object.
        module.exports = someFunc;
        // At this point, the module will now export someFunc, instead of the
        // default object.
      })(module, module.exports);
      return module.exports;


    你可能感兴趣的:(Node.js - module.exports 与 exports 的区别)