学习词根---Unit 6.6 总结篇


1. c   2. c   3. b   4. a   5. a   6. b   7. c   8. a

EQU. 源自拉丁词语aequus, 意为"equal."

equable. (1) Tending to remain calm. (2) Free from harsh changes or extreme variation.

adequacy. Being equal to some need or requirement. surplus

equilibrium. (1) A state in which opposing forces are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. (2) A state of emotional balance or calmness.

equinox. A day when day and night are the same length.

Quis. 源自拉丁动词,意为'to seek or obtain."

inquisition. A questioning or examining that is often harsh or severe.

perquisite. (perk) (1) A privilege or profit that is provided in addition to one's base salary. (2) Something claimed as an exclusive possession or right.

acquisitive. Eager to acquire; greedy.

requisition. A demand or request (such as for supplies) made with proper authority.

PLE/PLEN. 源自拉丁语,意为"to fill." 

plenary. (1) Including all who have a right to attend. (2) Complete in all ways.

complement. (1) Something that fills up or makes perfect; the amount needed to make something complete. (2) A counterpart.

deplete. To reduce in amount by using up.

replete. Fully or abundantly filled or supplied.

METR/METER comes to us from Greek by way of Latin; in both languages it refers to "measure." A thermometer measures heat; a perimeter is the measure around something; and things that are isometric are equal in measure.

metric. (1) Relating to or based on the metric system. (2) Relating to or arranged in meter.

meter. (1) The basic metric unit of length, equal to about 39.37 inches. (2) A systematic rhythm in poetry or music.

odometer. An instrument used to measure distance traveled.

tachometer. A device used to measure speed of rotation.

AUD, from the Latin verb audire, is the root that has to do with hearing. 

auditor. A person who formally examines and verifies financial accounts.

auditory. (1) Perceived or experienced through hearing. (2) Of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing.

audition. A trial performance to evaluate a performer's skills.

inaudible. Not heard or capable of being heard.

SON(这里指声音,不是儿子) is the Latin root meaning "sound." Sonata, meaning a piece for one or two instruments, was originally an Italian verb meaning "sounded" (when singers were involved, the Italians used a different verb). And sonorous means full, loud, or rich in sound.

sonic. (1) Having to do with sound. (2) Having to do with the speed of sound in air (about 750 miles per hour).

dissonant. (1) Clashing or discordant, especially in music. (2) Incompatible or disagreeing.

resonance. (1) A continuing or echoing of sound. (2) A richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.

ultrasonic. Having a frequency higher than what can be heard by the human ear.

ERR, from the Latin verb errare, means "to wander" or "to stray." 

errant. (1) Wandering or moving about aimlessly. (2) Straying outside proper bounds, or away from an accepted pattern or standard.

aberrant. Straying or differing from the right, normal, or natural type.

erratic. (1) Having no fixed course. (2) Lacking in consistency.

erroneous. Mistaken, incorrect.

CED comes from the Latin verb cedere, meaning "to proceed" or "to yield." Proceed itself employs the root, as does recede, and their related nouns procession and recession employ another form of the Latin verb.

cede. To give up, especially by treaty; yield.

concede. To admit grudgingly; yield.

accede. (1) To give in to a request or demand. (2) To give approval or consent.

precedent. Something done or said that may be an example or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.

Augean stable.A condition or place marked by great accumulation of filth or corruption.

Croesus. A very rich person.

dragon's teeth. Seeds of conflict.

Hades. The underground home of the dead in Greek mythology.

lethargic. (1) Lazily sluggish. (2) Indifferent or apathetic.

Midas touch. The talent for making money in every venture.

Pyrrhic victory. A victory won at excessive cost.

stygian. Extremely dark, dank, gloomy, and forbidding.


Fill in each blank with the correct letter:

a. auditor   b. tachometer   c. dragon's teeth   d. complement   e. Croesus   f. erratic   g. Midas touch   h. accede   i. Pyrrhic victory   j. metric

1. My grandfather has never had any money, but his brother is rich as _____.

2. Every scientist in the world uses a version of the ______ system, but the American public has always resisted it.

3. An _____ had been going over the company's financial records all week.

4. The triumphant corporate takeover proved to be a ______, since the resulting debt crippled the corporation for years.

5. The children made only ______ progress because they kept stopping to pick flowers.

6. Some of the faculty have decided to quietly _______ to the students' request for less homework.

7. She's been sowing ______ with her mean gossip, and by now no one in the department is speaking to anyone else.

8. When the traffic gets too noisy, I have to glance at the ______ to see if the engine is racing.

9. Fresh, hot bread is the perfect _______ to any dinner.

10. Her wealthy father had always had the ______, and his money-making genius was still a mystery to her.

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