Word Power Made Easy Review 1

此篇文章复习《word power made easy》一书的第3章。《word power made easy》是一本神奇的单词书,它结合词源和百科式的介绍来使读者记住单词,对于充满好奇心的读者来说,这简直是一种享受。从单词记忆的方法来看,它强调自律,自发、主动、习惯性地记忆单词。


Everyone's personality is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The author examined ten personality types that result from the way culture, growth, family background, and environment interact with heredity.


  • 利己主义者:An egoist. Every decision you make is based on the answer to one question: "What's in it for me ?"
  • 自我主义者:An egotist. You are boastful to the point of obnoxious.
  • 利他主义者:An altruist. You always concern yourself with the welfare of others.
  • 内向者:An introvert. You have an aptitude for creative work and are uncomfortable engaging in activities that require cooperation with other people.
  • 外向者:An extrovert. You are generally full of high spirits and love to be with people ——lots of people.
  • 中间者:An ambivert. You have both introverted and extroverted tendencies——at different times and on different occasions.
  • 愤世嫉俗者: A misanthrope. Your favorite theme is the stupidity, the meanness, the crookedness of most mortals.
  • 厌女者:A misogynist. You are strongly prejudiced against women.
  • 不婚者:A misogamist. You will not make the ultimate legal commitment.The ties that bind are too binding for you.
  • 禁欲主义者:An ascetic. You believe the characteristics of the good life are self-denial, austerity and lonely contemplation.


  • 拉丁词根,我: ego
    • egocentric
    • egomaniac, egomaniacal
  • 拉丁词根,他人:alter
    • altruism, altruistic
    • alternate: skip one and take the other
    • alternative: other choice
    • alteration: a change, a making into something other
    • altercation: a verbal dispute. You have other ideas than those of the person on the other side of the argument.
    • alter ego: other me
  • 拉丁词根,向:verto
    • introvert, extrovert, ambivert
  • 双向:ambi
    • ambidextrous, able to use both hands with equal skill.
    • ambidexterity
  • 拉丁词根,右手:dexter
    • dexterous, skillful
  • 拉丁词根,左手:sinister
    • 对左撇子的偏见,evil, dangerous
  • 法语,左手:gauche
    • gauche, socially awkward
    • gaucherie, clumsy ways of saying things and handling situations
  • 法语,右手:droit
    • adroit, quick-witted
    • adroitness, quite the opposite of gaucherie
  • 希腊词根,憎恨:misein
    • misanthrope, hates mankind
  • 希腊词根,人类:anthropos
    • anthropology
  • 希腊词根,女人:gyne
    • gynecologist, the medical specialist who treats female disorders
  • 希腊词根,婚姻:gamos
    • monogamy 一夫一妻制
    • bigamy
    • polygamy

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