/** The network role of an actor on a local/remote network context */ UENUM() enum ENetRole { /** No role at all. */ ROLE_None, /** Locally simulated proxy of this actor. */ ROLE_SimulatedProxy, /** Locally autonomous proxy of this actor. */ ROLE_AutonomousProxy, /** Authoritative control over the actor. */ ROLE_Authority, ROLE_MAX, };
class ENGINE_API INetworkPredictionInterface { GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY() //-------------------------------- // Server hooks //-------------------------------- /** (Server) Send position to client if necessary, or just ack good moves. */ virtual void SendClientAdjustment() PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::SendClientAdjustment,); /** (Server) Trigger a position update on clients, if the server hasn't heard from them in a while. @return Whether movement is performed. */ virtual bool ForcePositionUpdate(float DeltaTime) PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::ForcePositionUpdate, return false;); //-------------------------------- // Client hooks //-------------------------------- /** (Client) After receiving a network update of position, allow some custom smoothing, given the old transform before the correction and new transform from the update. */ virtual void SmoothCorrection(const FVector& OldLocation, const FQuat& OldRotation, const FVector& NewLocation, const FQuat& NewRotation) PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::SmoothCorrection,); //-------------------------------- // Other //-------------------------------- /** @return FNetworkPredictionData_Client instance used for network prediction. */ virtual class FNetworkPredictionData_Client* GetPredictionData_Client() const PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::GetPredictionData_Client, return NULL;); /** @return FNetworkPredictionData_Server instance used for network prediction. */ virtual class FNetworkPredictionData_Server* GetPredictionData_Server() const PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::GetPredictionData_Server, return NULL;); /** Accessor to check if there is already client data, without potentially allocating it on demand.*/ virtual bool HasPredictionData_Client() const PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::HasPredictionData_Client, return false;); /** Accessor to check if there is already server data, without potentially allocating it on demand.*/ virtual bool HasPredictionData_Server() const PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::HasPredictionData_Server, return false;); /** Resets client prediction data. */ virtual void ResetPredictionData_Client() PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::ResetPredictionData_Client,); /** Resets server prediction data. */ virtual void ResetPredictionData_Server() PURE_VIRTUAL(INetworkPredictionInterface::ResetPredictionData_Server,); };
/** * If true, replicate movement/location related properties. * Actor must also be set to replicate. * @see SetReplicates() * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Networking/Replication/ */ UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_ReplicateMovement, Category=Replication, EditDefaultsOnly) uint8 bReplicateMovement:1;
/** Used for replication of our RootComponent's position and velocity */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_ReplicatedMovement, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) struct FRepMovement ReplicatedMovement; /** Replicated movement data of our RootComponent. * Struct used for efficient replication as velocity and location are generally replicated together (this saves a repindex) * and velocity.Z is commonly zero (most position replications are for walking pawns). */ USTRUCT() struct ENGINE_API FRepMovement { GENERATED_BODY() /** Velocity of component in world space */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector LinearVelocity; /** Velocity of rotation for component */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector AngularVelocity; /** Location in world space */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector Location; /** Current rotation */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FRotator Rotation; /** If set, RootComponent should be sleeping. */ UPROPERTY(Transient) uint8 bSimulatedPhysicSleep : 1; /** If set, additional physic data (angular velocity) will be replicated. */ UPROPERTY(Transient) uint8 bRepPhysics : 1; /** Allows tuning the compression level for the replicated location vector. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) EVectorQuantization LocationQuantizationLevel; /** Allows tuning the compression level for the replicated velocity vectors. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) EVectorQuantization VelocityQuantizationLevel; /** Allows tuning the compression level for replicated rotation. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) ERotatorQuantization RotationQuantizationLevel; }
ReplicatedMovement 仅仅是一个用来同步的中间值,并不是Actor的原始数据,对Actor的Transform操作并不会直接作用于 ReplicatedMovement,那么Actor的真实数据是怎么同步到 ReplicatedMovement然后再同步到客户端的呢?
void AActor::PreReplication( IRepChangedPropertyTracker & ChangedPropertyTracker ) { // Attachment replication gets filled in by GatherCurrentMovement(), but in the case of a detached root we need to trigger remote detachment. AttachmentReplication.AttachParent = nullptr; AttachmentReplication.AttachComponent = nullptr; GatherCurrentMovement(); DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE( AActor, ReplicatedMovement, bReplicateMovement ); // Don't need to replicate AttachmentReplication if the root component replicates, because it already handles it. DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE( AActor, AttachmentReplication, RootComponent && !RootComponent->GetIsReplicated() ); UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BPClass = Cast
(GetClass()); if (BPClass != nullptr) { BPClass->InstancePreReplication(this, ChangedPropertyTracker); } } ReplicatedMovement同步到客户端之后,会调用OnRep_ReplicatedMovement事件通知,在这个事件中,通过PostNetReceiveVelocity和PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation来设置位置、旋转和速度。
Character继承Actor,同步方式也很类似,不过和 CharacterMovementComponent的联系很多,而这个Movement组件在大量角色存在的情况下往往形成瓶颈。
void ACharacter::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps( TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps ) const { Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps( OutLifetimeProps ); DISABLE_REPLICATED_PROPERTY(ACharacter, JumpMaxHoldTime); DISABLE_REPLICATED_PROPERTY(ACharacter, JumpMaxCount); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, RepRootMotion, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, ReplicatedBasedMovement, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, ReplicatedServerLastTransformUpdateTimeStamp, COND_SimulatedOnlyNoReplay ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, ReplicatedMovementMode, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, bIsCrouched, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, bProxyIsJumpForceApplied, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, AnimRootMotionTranslationScale, COND_SimulatedOnly ); DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( ACharacter, ReplayLastTransformUpdateTimeStamp, COND_ReplayOnly ); }
ReplicateMoveToServer 在发送移动请求到服务器之前,会将Move保存为FSavedMovePtr,然后本地PerformMovement(会产生大量的检测),接着会把NewMove增加到移动列表中,然后发起RPC调用,经过一系列调用之后最终调用到服务器上面的UCharacterMovementComponent::ServerMove_Implementation。这儿也可以进行优化,主要是网络上面的同步频率。
// Decide whether to hold off on move const float NetMoveDelta = FMath::Clamp(GetClientNetSendDeltaTime(PC, ClientData, NewMovePtr), 1.f/120.f, 1.f/5.f); if ((MyWorld->TimeSeconds - ClientData->ClientUpdateTime) * MyWorld->GetWorldSettings()->GetEffectiveTimeDilation() < NetMoveDelta) { // Delay sending this move. ClientData->PendingMove = NewMovePtr; return; }
通过上面的分析可以知道,CharacterMovement的优化应主要集中于 PerformMovement和SimulateMovement上面。
void UCharacterMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) { SCOPED_NAMED_EVENT(UCharacterMovementComponent_TickComponent, FColor::Yellow); SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_CharacterMovement); SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_CharacterMovementTick); CSV_SCOPED_TIMING_STAT_EXCLUSIVE(CharacterMovement); const FVector InputVector = ConsumeInputVector(); if (!HasValidData() || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime)) { return; } Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction); // Super tick may destroy/invalidate CharacterOwner or UpdatedComponent, so we need to re-check. if (!HasValidData()) { return; } // See if we fell out of the world. const bool bIsSimulatingPhysics = UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics(); if (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_Authority && (!bCheatFlying || bIsSimulatingPhysics) && !CharacterOwner->CheckStillInWorld()) { return; } // We don't update if simulating physics (eg ragdolls). if (bIsSimulatingPhysics) { // Update camera to ensure client gets updates even when physics move him far away from point where simulation started if (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy && IsNetMode(NM_Client)) { MarkForClientCameraUpdate(); } ClearAccumulatedForces(); return; } AvoidanceLockTimer -= DeltaTime; if (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() > ROLE_SimulatedProxy) { SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_CharacterMovementNonSimulated); // If we are a client we might have received an update from the server. const bool bIsClient = (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy && IsNetMode(NM_Client)); if (bIsClient) { FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character* ClientData = GetPredictionData_Client_Character(); if (ClientData && ClientData->bUpdatePosition) { ClientUpdatePositionAfterServerUpdate(); } } // Allow root motion to move characters that have no controller. if( CharacterOwner->IsLocallyControlled() || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && bRunPhysicsWithNoController) || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion()) ) { { SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_CharUpdateAcceleration); // We need to check the jump state before adjusting input acceleration, to minimize latency // and to make sure acceleration respects our potentially new falling state. CharacterOwner->CheckJumpInput(DeltaTime); // apply input to acceleration Acceleration = ScaleInputAcceleration(ConstrainInputAcceleration(InputVector)); AnalogInputModifier = ComputeAnalogInputModifier(); } if (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_Authority) { PerformMovement(DeltaTime); } else if (bIsClient) { ReplicateMoveToServer(DeltaTime, Acceleration); } } else if (CharacterOwner->GetRemoteRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy) { // Server ticking for remote client. // Between net updates from the client we need to update position if based on another object, // otherwise the object will move on intermediate frames and we won't follow it. MaybeUpdateBasedMovement(DeltaTime); MaybeSaveBaseLocation(); // Smooth on listen server for local view of remote clients. We may receive updates at a rate different than our own tick rate. if (CharacterMovementCVars::NetEnableListenServerSmoothing && !bNetworkSmoothingComplete && IsNetMode(NM_ListenServer)) { SmoothClientPosition(DeltaTime); } } } else if (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_SimulatedProxy) { if (bShrinkProxyCapsule) { AdjustProxyCapsuleSize(); } SimulatedTick(DeltaTime); } if (bUseRVOAvoidance) { UpdateDefaultAvoidance(); } if (bEnablePhysicsInteraction) { SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_CharPhysicsInteraction); ApplyDownwardForce(DeltaTime); ApplyRepulsionForce(DeltaTime); } #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) const bool bVisualizeMovement = CharacterMovementCVars::VisualizeMovement > 0; if (bVisualizeMovement) { VisualizeMovement(); } #endif // !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) }
- 更新Pose(RootMotion和动画相关)
- 更新Base(Base是Actor所处下方的组件,Base可带着Actor移动、旋转)
- 更新MovementMode
- 根据MovementMode执行对应的移动操作
- 更新最终的位置姿态
SimulateMovement主要是用来模拟其他客户端的移动的操作。这个操作和 PerformMovement 中的操作有些不通,其中最大的不同是使用MoveSmooth替代了具体的移动操作。相对来说比AutonomousProxy要简单不少,但是floor检测和穿透处理等等操作都还在,仍然会引起性能问题。
bool UMovementComponent::ResolvePenetrationImpl(const FVector& ProposedAdjustment, const FHitResult& Hit, const FQuat& NewRotationQuat)
// SceneComponent can't be in penetration, so this function really only applies to PrimitiveComponent.
const FVector Adjustment = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(ProposedAdjustment);
if (!Adjustment.IsZero() && UpdatedPrimitive)
// See if we can fit at the adjusted location without overlapping anything.
AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner();
if (!ActorOwner)
return false;
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: %s.%s at location %s inside %s.%s at location %s by %.3f (netmode: %d)"),
Hit.Component.IsValid() ? *Hit.GetComponent()->GetComponentLocation().ToString() : TEXT(""),
// We really want to make sure that precision differences or differences between the overlap test and sweep tests don't put us into another overlap,
// so make the overlap test a bit more restrictive.
const float OverlapInflation = MovementComponentCVars::PenetrationOverlapCheckInflation;
bool bEncroached = OverlapTest(Hit.TraceStart + Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, UpdatedPrimitive->GetCollisionObjectType(), UpdatedPrimitive->GetCollisionShape(OverlapInflation), ActorOwner);
if (!bEncroached)
// Move without sweeping.
MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: teleport by %s"), *Adjustment.ToString());
return true;
// Disable MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps if it is enabled, otherwise we wouldn't be able to sweep out of the object to fix the penetration.
TGuardValue ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, EMoveComponentFlags(MoveComponentFlags & (~MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps)));
// Try sweeping as far as possible...
FHitResult SweepOutHit(1.f);
bool bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, true, &SweepOutHit, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: sweep by %s (success = %d)"), *Adjustment.ToString(), bMoved);
// Still stuck?
if (!bMoved && SweepOutHit.bStartPenetrating)
// Combine two MTD results to get a new direction that gets out of multiple surfaces.
const FVector SecondMTD = GetPenetrationAdjustment(SweepOutHit);
const FVector CombinedMTD = Adjustment + SecondMTD;
if (SecondMTD != Adjustment && !CombinedMTD.IsZero())
bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(CombinedMTD, NewRotationQuat, true, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: sweep by %s (MTD combo success = %d)"), *CombinedMTD.ToString(), bMoved);
// Still stuck?
if (!bMoved)
// Try moving the proposed adjustment plus the attempted move direction. This can sometimes get out of penetrations with multiple objects
const FVector MoveDelta = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Hit.TraceEnd - Hit.TraceStart);
if (!MoveDelta.IsZero())
bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment + MoveDelta, NewRotationQuat, true, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: sweep by %s (adjusted attempt success = %d)"), *(Adjustment + MoveDelta).ToString(), bMoved);
// Finally, try the original move without MTD adjustments, but allowing depenetration along the MTD normal.
// This was blocked because MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps was true for the original move to try a better depenetration normal, but we might be running in to other geometry in the attempt.
// This won't necessarily get us all the way out of penetration, but can in some cases and does make progress in exiting the penetration.
if (!bMoved && FVector::DotProduct(MoveDelta, Adjustment) > 0.f)
bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, NewRotationQuat, true, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: sweep by %s (Original move, attempt success = %d)"), *(MoveDelta).ToString(), bMoved);
return bMoved;
return false;
比如同步的频率,迭代次数,floor check,服务器的Pose更新等等,这些直接在编辑器中点点或者或者修改下配置就行了,分分钟的事情。