keyshot9: 支持 NVIDIA RTX 射线追踪和 AI 去噪即将推出


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Today, we’re sharing the news of a new era coming to KeyShot and to KeyShot users around the world. With KeyShot 9, you will gain the ability to harness the full GPU-accelerated ray tracing power ofNVIDIA RTX with OptiX. We'd like to share more on this decision, how it will work, and what you can expect with the approach we've taken to put you in complete control of your rendering workflow.

今天,我们向全世界的 KeyShot 用户和 KeyShot 用户分享即将到来的新时代的消息。 使用 KeyShot 9,您将获得利用完整的 gpu 加速射线追踪能力的 NVIDIA RTX 与 OptiX。 我们想要分享更多关于这个决定的信息,它将如何工作,以及我们所采取的方法将使您完全控制您的渲染工作流程您可以期待什么。

A Focus on Flexibility


“Luxion has evaluated GPU rendering for several years. With NVIDIA’s RTX technology, GPU-accelerated hardware ray tracing and AI denoising, gigaray performance, GPUs with over 8GB of memory, and the free OptiX SDK, now is the time to do it.”

- Henrik Wann Jensen, Co-founder and Chief Scientist at Luxion

“ Luxion 对 GPU 渲染进行了多年的评估。 使用 NVIDIA 的 RTX 技术、 gpu 加速的硬件射线追踪和 AI 去噪、 gigaray 性能、内存超过8gb 的 gpu 以及免费的 OptiX SDK,现在正是时候这样做了。” - Henrik Wann Jensen,Luxion 联合创始人兼首席科学家

Though the addition of GPU rendering might be seen as a shift away from one rendering method in favor of another, it’s anything but. We’ve brought CPU and GPU-accelerated rendering capabilities together in such a way as to give you complete control and a choice over what powers your rendering workflow. And the implementation within KeyShot is, in a word,seamless, with the ability to switch between CPU and GPU without affecting your current workflow, requiring unexpected hardware upgrades, or forcing you to choose one rendering method over the other—it's complete flexibility to utilize the most performance whether you have multiple CPUs or multiple NVIDIA GPUs.

虽然 GPU 渲染的增加可能被看作是从一种渲染方法转向另一种渲染方法,但它绝不是。 我们将 CPU 和 gpu 加速的渲染能力结合在一起,这样您就可以完全控制和选择渲染工作流的驱动器。 总而言之,KeyShot 内部的实现是无缝的,可以在 CPU 和 GPU 之间切换,而不会影响当前的工作流程,需要意外的硬件升级,或者强迫你选择一种呈现方法而不是另一种呈现方法ーー无论使用多个 CPU 还是多个 NVIDIA GPU,它都具有充分的灵活性,可以最大限度地利用性能。

KeyShot History


Traditionally, KeyShot has been known as a stand-alone CPU-based real-time ray tracing renderer. But here are some things you may not know. First, KeyShot is the first stand-alone, real-time ray tracing software. At its core (no pun intended), KeyShot is 100% real-time—it’s not a switch or a mode. Secondly, KeyShot’s render engine is developed internally by us, Luxion. We’re not dependent on other software or hardware development. Lastly, the KeyShot render engine is based on decades of research in global illumination and lighting simulation by Luxion Co-founder and Chief Scientist, Henrik Wann Jensen. And that research continues to this day.

传统上,KeyShot 被认为是一种独立的基于 cpu 的实时射线追踪渲染器。 但是有些事情你可能不知道。 首先,KeyShot 是第一个独立的实时射线跟踪软件。 Keyshot 的核心(无双关意思)是100% 实时的ーー它不是一个开关或模式。 其次,KeyShot 的渲染引擎是我们内部开发的,Luxion。 我们不依赖其他软件或硬件开发。 最后,KeyShot 渲染引擎是基于 Luxion 联合创始人兼首席科学家 Henrik Wann Jensen 在全局光源和照明模拟方面几十年的研究。 这项研究一直持续到今天。

Since we develop KeyShot from the render engine to the interface and all the features in between, it allows us to 1) optimize for speed, quality, and accuracy and 2) reduce dependence on other hardware or software. Our focus has always been focused on providing the best experience possible, taking advantage of whatever resources are available. KeyShot is designed to run and provide brilliant results on the widest array of computers, whether Windows or Mac, desktop or laptop, with support for the widest array of 3D file formats of any 3D rendering software. This all comes together to ensure 3D professionals have the absolute most flexibility available while not compromising speed, quality, and accuracy.

由于我们开发了 KeyShot,从渲染引擎到界面以及两者之间的所有功能,它允许我们1)优化速度、质量和准确性,2)减少对其他硬件或软件的依赖。 我们的重点一直是尽可能提供最好的体验,利用任何可用的资源。 设计 KeyShot 的目的是运行和提供辉煌的结果,在最广泛的电脑阵列,无论是 Windows 或 Mac,台式机或笔记本电脑,与支持最广泛的3 d 文件格式的任何3 d 渲染软件。 这一切都是为了确保3 d 专业人员在不影响速度、质量和精确度的情况下拥有绝对最大的灵活性。

With an internally developed render engine and the in-house expertise in advanced rendering techniques and graphics hardware, we have the freedom to constantly evaluate the latest CPU or GPU technologies. So, when the question, “Why doesn’t KeyShot use the GPU?” came up in the past, the answer was simple - relying solely on the GPU would compromise the speed, quality, and accuracy of the visuals for the 3D professional. Now, with the advancements in GPU acceleration, through the real-time ray tracing capabilities provided by the NVIDIA RTX GPUs, the speed and performance exists to bring you GPU rendering capabilities in KeyShot.

内部开发的渲染引擎和先进的渲染技术和图形硬件的内部专业知识,我们有自由不断地评估最新的 CPU 或 GPU 技术。 所以,当问到“为什么 KeyShot 不使用 GPU? ” 在过去,答案很简单——仅仅依靠 GPU 会降低3D 专业人士视觉效果的速度、质量和准确性。 现在,随着 GPU 加速的进步,通过 NVIDIA RTX GPU 提供的实时射线追踪功能,速度和性能的存在,给你带来了 KeyShot 的 GPU 渲染功能。

The Best of Both Worlds


KeyShot's GPU capability is native, out-of-the-box support for all the technological achievements provided through the NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine—It’s not a separate KeyShot installation, it’s not a plugin or a patch. It’s the best of both worlds, CPU and GPU together, all within the most intuitive user interface for 3D rendering  and animation. So, if you want to ask, “Does KeyShot use CPU or GPU?” Either, or. We let you make that decision.

Keyshot 的 GPU 能力是原生的,开箱即用的,支持 NVIDIA OptiX 射线追踪引擎提供的所有技术成就ーー它不是一个单独的 KeyShot 安装,也不是一个插件或补丁。 这是两个世界中最好的,CPU 和 GPU 在一起,所有在最直观的用户界面的3 d 渲染和动画。 所以,如果你想问“ KeyShot 是使用 CPU 还是 GPU? ” 要么,要么。 我们让你做这个决定。

“KeyShot was finely tuned for OptiX integration. Our development team was able to quickly show KeyShot with GPU acceleration and where performance could be gained, which further convinced us to move forward with support for NVIDIA RTX.”

- Claus Wann Jensen, Co-founder and CEO at Luxion

“ KeyShot 针对 OptiX 集成进行了精细的调整。 我们的开发团队能够快速显示带有 GPU 加速的 KeyShot,并在哪里可以获得性能,这进一步说服我们继续支持 NVIDIA RTX。” - Claus Wann Jensen,Luxion 联合创始人兼首席执行官

KeyShot 9 detects NVIDIA GPU-accelerated graphics cards to provide real-time ray tracing via the GPU.

Model: Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

Keyshot 9检测 NVIDIA gpu 加速的显卡,通过 gpu 提供实时光线追踪。模型: 史丹利百得。

How it Works


What NVIDIA GPUs Are Supported? 支持哪些 NVIDIA gpu?

Supported graphics cards include NVIDIA GeForce, Quadro, and Tesla products with Maxwell and newer generation GPUs. 支持的显卡包括 NVIDIA GeForce,Quadro 和特斯拉产品与麦克斯韦和新一代 gpu

When you start KeyShot on your workstation or NVIDIA RTX Studio laptop, and it detects a compatible NVIDIA GPU-accelerated graphics card, you’ll see a new button on the KeyShot Ribbon. When activated, the scene in the Real-time View and the rendered output will be rendered on the GPU instead of CPU. It’s that simple. When you want real-time rendering using your CPUs, use your CPUs. When you want to use your GPUs, use your GPUs. It's all up to you.

当你在你的工作站或 NVIDIA RTX 工作室笔记本电脑上启动 KeyShot 时,它检测到一个兼容 NVIDIA gpu 加速显卡,你会在 KeyShot Ribbon 上看到一个新按钮。 当激活时,实时视图中的场景和渲染的输出将在 GPU 上而不是 CPU 上渲染。 就是这么简单。 当您希望使用 cpu 进行实时呈现时,请使用 cpu。 当你想使用你的 gpu,使用你的 gpu。 一切都取决于你。

keyshot9: 支持 NVIDIA RTX 射线追踪和 AI 去噪即将推出_第1张图片

“It’s important that the implementation of NVIDIA GPU acceleration was seamless. A single button, a single click. It’s that simple. When you want real-time rendering using your CPUs, use your CPUs. When you want to use your GPUs, use your GPUs. It's all up to the KeyShot user.”

- Derek Cicero, VP of Product and Strategy at Luxion

“重要的是,NVIDIA GPU 加速的实施是无缝的。 一个按钮,一个点击。 就是这么简单。 当您希望使用 cpu 进行实时呈现时,请使用 cpu。 当你想使用你的 gpu,使用你的 gpu。 这完全取决于 KeyShot 用户。” - Derek Cicero,Luxion 产品与战略副总裁

Behind the Technology


Though this will be the first year you will experience KeyShot with GPU-accelerated ray tracing, Luxion has a long history of GPU research, evaluation, and development. We're very excited to say that KeyShot makes full use of NVIDIA’s OptiX ray tracing engine to achieve high performance, real-time ray tracing on the GPU. This support brings transparent scaling across multiple NVIDIA GPUs along with the hardware-accelerated ray tracing using RT Cores and the Tensor Core AI denoising capability. Above all, we’ve found that the real-time ray tracing provided by NVIDIA’s Turing-based line of RTX GPUs is exceptional for simulating the physical behavior of light and provides incredible performance increase for scenes with complex geometry.

虽然这将是第一年你将体验与 GPU 加速射线追踪的 KeyShot,Luxion 有一个 GPU 的研究,评价和发展的悠久历史。 我们非常兴奋地说,KeyShot 充分利用 NVIDIA 的 OptiX 光线跟踪引擎,以实现高性能,实时光线跟踪的 GPU。 这种支持带来了横跨多个 NVIDIA 图形处理器的透明缩放,以及硬件加速射线追踪使用 RT 核心和张量核心 AI 去噪能力。 最重要的是,我们发现 NVIDIA 的基于图灵的 RTX 图形处理器提供的实时光线追踪功能在模拟光的物理行为方面非常出色,并且在使用复几何图形处理器的场景中提供了令人难以置信的性能提升。

Why now?


Why did we decide to implement support for NVIDIA’s GPU-accelerated real-time ray tracing now? The short answer: NVIDIA RTX technology provides the real-time rendering capability needed to deliver speed, quality, and accuracy. The longer answer: With the NVIDIA RTX GPUs that bring together both software and hardware-accelerated real-time ray tracing, it’s the first time GPU technology has been able to offer the results that provide the quality and performance to meet or exceed that of the CPU in calculating the advanced algorithms needed for greater realism with real-time rendering. Simply put, the power is there.

为什么我们现在决定支持 NVIDIA 的 gpu 加速的实时光线跟踪? 简短的回答是: NVIDIA RTX 技术提供了实时渲染所需的能力,以提供速度,质量和准确性。 更长远的答案是: 通过把软件和硬件加速的实时射线追踪结合在一起的 NVIDIA RTX GPU,这是 GPU 技术首次能够提供质量和性能达到甚至超过 CPU 的质量和性能,从而计算出实时渲染所需的高级算法。 简而言之,力量就在那里。

Now is the time and we’re excited that GPU technology has matured to the point where we can introduce additional rendering capabilities and performance with the speed and quality of results that you’ve come to expect from KeyShot.

现在是时候了,我们很高兴 GPU 技术已经成熟,我们可以引入额外的渲染能力和性能的速度和质量的结果,你已经期待从 KeyShot。

See it at SIGGRAPH 2019

参见 SIGGRAPH 2019

Next week, July 30th - August 1st, we will be exhibiting at SIGGRAPH 2019 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. You can find us atbooth 932in Level 1, South Exhibit Hall, Hall G where we will be showing KeyShot 9 running on an NVIDIA RTX Studio laptop. RTX Studio laptops are the first to support real-time ray tracing and advanced AI capabilities. We will also have demos at NVIDIAbooth 1313, and AWSbooth 1203. More details are availablehere.

下周,7月30日至8月1日,我们将在洛杉矶会议中心举办 SIGGRAPH 2019展览会。 您可以找到我们在第一层932展位,南展览厅,g 大厅,我们将显示运行在英伟达 RTX 工作室笔记本电脑上的 KeyShot 9。 Rtx 工作室笔记本电脑是第一个支持实时射线跟踪和先进的人工智能能力。 我们还将在 NVIDIA 展台1313和 AWS 展台1203进行演示。 更多详情请点击这里。

Things to Know


Enjoy Both KeyShot CPU and GPU-Accelerated Rendering

While committed to increased flexibility, KeyShot's commitment to CPU rendering has not changed. KeyShot will now be able to utilize all the GPU power you can afford, but it’s not dependent on the GPU to create accurate visuals. You have the choice to use CPU or GPU whenever you decide.

同时享受 KeyShot CPU 和 gpu 加速渲染虽然致力于增加灵活性,KeyShot 对 CPU 渲染的承诺没有改变。 Keyshot 现在可以使用你所能支付的所有 GPU 能力,但是它不依赖于 GPU 来创建精确的视觉效果。 您可以选择使用 CPU 或 GPU 无论何时你决定。

Support for NVIDIA Maxwell Generation and Above

KeyShot will natively support all NVIDIA graphics cards able to utilize the new Optix 6 technology which includes all NVIDIA GeForce, Quadro, and Tesla products. Note that GPU hardware acceleration with utilization of RT Cores for real-time ray tracing and Tensor Cores for AI denoising is available in NVIDIA RTX products.

支持 NVIDIA Maxwell Generation 和 AboveKeyShot 将原生支持所有 NVIDIA 图形卡能够利用新的 Optix 6技术,其中包括所有 NVIDIA GeForce,Quadro 和特斯拉产品。 需要注意的是,在 NVIDIA RTX 产品中,GPU 可以利用 RT core 进行实时射线追踪,而张量硬件加速可以用于 AI 去噪。

GPU-Accelerated Rendering With a Flip of a Switch

To use your NVIDIA GPUs with KeyShot there’s no need to buy a different version of KeyShot or install a plugin. Simply install any version of KeyShot and, when a compatible NVIDIA GPU is detected, click the button to activate GPU rendering.

Gpu 加速渲染的开关翻转使用您的 NVIDIA gpu 与 KeyShot 没有必要购买不同版本的 KeyShot 或安装插件。 只需安装任何版本的 KeyShot,当一个兼容 NVIDIA GPU 检测,单击按钮激活 GPU 渲染。

NVIDIA GPU Support in KeyShot 9 and Above

GPU-accelerated real-time rendering using NVIDIA RTX graphics cards will be available with the release of KeyShot 9 (currently in beta) and slated for release in the Fall of 2019. A separate version of KeyShot will not be needed and there will be no additional cost.

Nvidia 图形处理器支持 KeyShot 9和 abovegpu- 加速实时渲染使用 NVIDIA RTX 图形卡将提供的 KeyShot 9(目前在测试版)和预计在2019年秋季发布。 一个单独的版本的 KeyShot 将不需要,也不会有额外的成本。

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