


  1. 三段
  2. 第一句 制造亮点
  3. 使用标志词
  4. 不要用自己不懂的词
  5. 保持卷面清楚

  1. 句型 重要

  2. plays an extremely significant role

  3. 句型 重视

  4. Attach great importance to

  5. 句型 结果

  6. Exert a positive / negative / great impact on

  7. 句型 使动

  8. enable / allow to

  9. 句型 议论类

  10. There is much controversy over____

  11. 句型 见证类

  12. In recently years, there has been a rapid economic development in China

  13. The past several years have witnessed a rapid economic development in China

  14. During the past several years, China has winessed a rapid economic development.

  15. 句型 引出类

  16. ... has arisen as one of ...
    The issue of information securiy has recently arisen as one of the heated topics

  17. 句型 趋势类

  18. an increasing / A growing number of people ...

  19. A gorwing number of people are paying much attention to how to process information effectively.

  20. With the emergence of internet, online cousres become increasingly popular among college students.


  1. It cannot be denied that
  2. There is a growing recognition that
  3. It goes without saying that


  1. With the reform and opening-up in recent decades in China, people's living standard has been very much improved.
  2. With the development of economy and society, competition is incresingly fierce.
  3. It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties.We can do nothing but face them, Attitude is the key point to take the first step.


  1. 起承转合独立评


  1. To begin with, ... Furthermore, ...
  2. In the first place, ... Besides, ...


  1. as a result
  2. as a consequence
  3. consequencely
  4. thus
  5. hence
  6. therefore


  1. however
  2. nevertheless
  3. nonetheless


  1. in conclusion
  2. all in all
  3. in a word


  1. in short
  2. in brief
  3. to sum up


  1. as has been mentioned above
  2. given the factors I have just outlined


  1. in my eyes
  2. as for me
  3. from my perspective
  4. as far as I am concerned
  5. to my knowledge


... has arisen as one of ..., A growing number of people ...
To begin with, ... , as a consequence
in conclusion
Given the factors I have just outlined
As far as I am concerned,


It is a strong will that exerts a positive impact on success
