On Writing Well-c7,8

1.words and expressions 

you know this had to be the most spine-tingling clash of giants you'd ever seen from a pressbox seat, andyou weren't just some green kid who was wet behind the ears.

spine-tingling making you feel very excited or frightened, in an enjoyable way spine是脊椎 tingling的原型为tingle 可理解为发麻 你在什么时候能连脊椎都在发麻呢 就在你非常激动,感到惊险刺激,反正类似于被吓到,但是是很开心,很享受被吓到的感觉(蛤?)可以脑补球迷看球迷 迷妹现场听爱豆唱歌,激动到脊椎发麻

a spine-tingling rendition of 'Why Do Fools Fall In Love' 《何苦坠入爱河》的扣人心弦的演唱

press box  表可数名词 体育场上的记者席 box 让我产生了一丝怜悯这是为什么。。。

green kid 类似于 be wet behind the ears 不成熟的,乳臭未干的孩子

green -young or lacking training or experience,thus green horse  not necessarily means a young horse,it can be older horse who can always be taught the new tricks.

green 表示未成熟 green tomatoes 表未熟的西红柿。绿绿的西红柿当然还没熟。

再记一个词组 green around\about  the gills -pale or sickly in appearance 表示脸色惨白或者不健康,记得小时候看得动画片人物快被噎死的时候脸就会变绿,gills 表示鳃,就是水生动物拿来呼吸的器官,鳃都变绿了,怕是窒息了,不健康了

On Writing Well-c7,8_第1张图片

然后又兴起搜了一下blue about the gills

On Writing Well-c7,8_第2张图片


though it would probably be pushing my luck to describe a man who compulsively visits circus sideshows as a freak freak.

push one's luck to 来点运气就得寸进尺,什么都是有限度的,快乐也好,伤心也罢,都会过去的,所以不要太push it 


chapter 7 tells us to use good words to express ourselves clearly and simply to some else.

chapter 8 tells us something about unity, and things impressed most are do not be controlling by his materials , it is truly describing me, who only focus on one theme and try my best to prolonging passage ,but sometimes it just lost in what i am writing, like that time, sometimes he wrote like a travel brochure while sometimes he was an average person telling us his travel memories.to avoid it, we should establish certain unities.so we should focus on the same pronoun,right tense,and the fixed style and  attitude. what's most important is to think small and,keeping doing it with zest.When you zest begins to ebb, you'd better stop

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