Day 10 Paradigms of Interdependence

1. Words and phrases

1) All I can do is sit and worry about the grilling I'm going to get from my wife tonight on the phone.

grill: 除了烧烤架之外,这里应该是拷问,盘问的意思.

仿写:If I don’t get home before 11:00pm, my husband will grill me severely.

2) He said a little sheepishly.

sheepishly: 怯懦地,羞怯地; 愚蠢地;

仿写: She talked sheepishly at the meeting.

3)  "I don't know. The trampoline, I guess."

trampoline: 蹦床

仿写: The kids jumped on the trampoline happily.

4) I wondered why and lifted myself up just enough to see his eyes welling up with tears.

well up: 涌出,涌现; 拥上心头;

仿写: She said she has been treated unfair and her eyes welling up with tears.

5) He turned back, and I could sense he was feeling some embarrassment for the tears and his quivering lips and chin.

quivering: 颤抖的;

仿写: He quivered his lips and chin, and then started crying.

2. Thought

Habit 1,2,3 是让你学会自我尊重和自律,然后让得到Private Victory of Independence. 自我改进是你与外界建立良好关系的基础,这是paradigm shift. 在你有了Private Victory 以后, Habit 4,5,6 就是引导你达到Public Victory of interdependence, 让你与其它人建立一个良好,长久的关系. Habit 4,5,6 是关注“inside-out”中的“out”.

在开始Habit 4,5,6, 作者介绍了Emotional Bank Account, 这是一种比喻, 比喻你与人之间的信任程度. 其中作者拿了他儿子一件小事来举例,就是小儿子睡着了,他把衣服脱给他盖,但是没想到大儿子却因为这样一个举动有很大的情绪.这让我想到自己的大女儿与小儿子.大女儿总觉得我偏心弟弟,我无数次告诉她我爱她与弟弟是一样的,但是她总会有这样的想法,我还怪她不懂事,现在想来,自己确实很多时候都忽略了她,这使我们之间的Emotional Bank Account 处于withdrawals的状态.我想我可以根据作者给的建议试着修复一下我与女儿之间的关系.

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