Books that you have read recently

When others asked me about my hobbies, reading was always mentioned as one of a few things I was huge on.The truth is I like reading ,but I don't read too much.I put some other tings before reading.As a result, I always use pieces of time to read,which means finishing reading a book in a couple of months or even a year.Oh ,I feel a tinge of guilty .Ok,let's get to the point:books that you have recently read.

I started reading the book called"The Dark Time'', literally translated, one or two months ago.The writer's opinion on how people think and make a decision is new to me .I buy his idea.He said our brain was divided into two parts, one is older  while the other is younger.The older part was developed a long time ago.In other words. the part can make you well adapt to a society in the past instead of the current society.The other part is newly developed and can make better decisions for you.However ,the newer part is like a young child who can't beat the sophisticated old man in a lot of ways.The writer suggest that we treat them as two children, a mischief maker and a trouble shooter .We should know them well to turn them to  good advantage. The book is an real eye-opener  for me But,I will probably never finish reading the book this life due to the second half focusing on some examples based on mathematics , which is totally beyond me.

The second book I am reading is called ''Influence'' written by Robert B.Cialdini,a globally aknowledged psychologist.Its main ideas are six principles that are discussed from different views and based on facts.With a quarter of it read, I think I can give a final word on it: a good book.It can really lead you to know much better about people's behaviors .Out of question,you can learn a lot from the book .

Reading wins over almost the whole world,from a generic one to the cream of the society.Reading turns out to be short cuts to know more about the world ,the past and the future.No matter where you are and how it is going with you ,start reading and trust me ,you may find what you need right in the books .

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