Fries2012 木材密度

Fries A (2012) Genetic parameters, genetic gain and correlated responses in growth, fibre dimensions and wood density in a Scots pine breeding population. Ann For Sci 69:783–794. doi: 10.1007/s13595-012-0202-7

Species Trait (age) Reference Density estimate
Height Stem diameter Fibre width Fibre length Wood density
P. sylvestris 0.30 (31) 0.09 (31) 0.49 (22–23) 0.23 (22–23) 0.22/0.25/0.34a (12–21) Present study Weighted
P. sylvestris 0.29 to 0.40 (31) 0.10 to 0.13 (31) - - 0.25/0.22b (12–21) Fries and Ericsson (2006, 2009) Un-weighted
P. sylvestris 0.23 (5–20)c - - Kroon et al. (2011)
P. sylvestris 0.16 to 0.19 (30)d 0.05 to 0.11 (30)d - - Kroon et al. (2008)
P. sylvestris 0.28 (25) 0.17 (25) 0.31 (14–22) 0.30 (14–22) Ericsson and Fries (2004) Un-weighted
P. sylvestris 0.24 (11–24) 0.14 (11–24) - - 0.28 (24)e Haapanen et al. (1997) Pilodyn
P. sylvestris - 0.31/0.48 (4/24) 0.36 to 0.50 (1 f–26) Hannrup and Ekberg (1998) Un-weighted and weighted
P. sylvestris 0.29 (13) 0.18/0.27 (13/33) - See: Hannrup and Ekberg (1998) See: Hannrup and Ekberg (1998) Hannrup et al. (2000) Do
P. pinaster 0.46 (14) 0.18 (≤14) 0.19 (≤14) 0.29 Pot et al. (2002) Un-weighted
P. taeda 0.15 (8) Sykes et al. (2006)
P. taeda 0 to 0.15 (0–22, decreasing by age)g Loo et al. (1984) Un-weighted
P. taeda 0.07 to 0.09 (12–18)h – 0.31/0.15/0.33i (8) Atwood et al. (2002) Un-weighted
P. radiata 0.54 0.3 to 1.0 (1–26 to 1–20) Wu et al. (2008)j Un-weighted and weighted

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