Day 35 November 21, 2017 DD-- 21(72-74)

Review 68-71

DD 72:

M: everyone who comes to our shop tells us you have a perfect life. and we say you know what, we really do and they go hand in hand booking choclates.

C: Everyone who comes into our shop tells us you have the perfect life, and we say, yeah, you know what, we do, we really do. They go hand in hand-- books and chocolate.

DD 73:

M: I've complished more in my life than I ever thought possible.

C: I've accomplished more in my life that I've ever thought possible.

S, N, L=strong sound;

D, T, Th= weak sound.

DD 74:

M: 5.4 million chlildren, children who are 8 and 9 and 10 years of age who are using -- are being used to mine with their bare hands so you can text and play angry birds.

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 35 November 21, 2017 DD-- 21(72-74))