英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】27/21《Rosie’s walk》阅读原创

15110-张智峰 Laurence

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】27/21《Rosie’s walk》阅读原创_第1张图片

I have read this book both by myself and to my son many times before, this book was written by Pat hutchins, but honestly I really found a good way to let this story lively enough. So today I gave me another chance to review this book, let’s see what would happen.

Started from the cover, we could see a hen got out from her nestle, and a fox was following her. There were lots of things we could saw from the cover page. When I turned to the front page, I could see a very harmonious farm that made me very comfortable. The next page showed the words “For Wendy and Stephen”, I wondered who they were every time I read this book. Now came to the 1st page, “Rosie the hen went for a walk”, she was walking very leisurely, the fox seems drooling. Rosie walked across the yard, the fox stalked、jumped and seems wanted to catch Rosie. The next page showed that the fox stepped on the shovel and the shovel hit him back, bingo! The next page came to “Rosie walked around the pond” and the fox wanted to catch Rosie again, could he succeed? Course not, the next page told us that the fox fell into the pond. Then Rosie walked over the haystack, the fox stalked and jumped, could he catch Rosie? The answer was no. The fox was buried by the haystack. When Rosie past the mill, the fox was crashed by the flour.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】27/21《Rosie’s walk》阅读原创_第2张图片

The next page came to “Rosie walked through the fence”, the fox jumped over the fence and directly fell on the cart. The cart went by and hit the beehives. The crowd of bees chased the fox till the end. Rosie got back in time for dinner. She seems didn’t know what happened behind her just now. I thought the way to make this story interesting was the role play, my son and I would play the role “Rosie” and the fox, and we could switch the role too.

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