A cobbler(修鞋匠) passed his time in singing from morning till night; it was wonderful to see, wonderful to hear him; he was more contented in shoes, than was any of the Seven Sages(古希腊七贤人).
His neighbor, on the contrary, who was rolling in wealth, sang but little and slept less. He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze(瞌睡) at day-break, the cobbler awoke him with his song.
The banker complained sadly that Providence(上帝) had not made sleep a saleable commodity(商品), like edibles or drinkables. Having at length (后来)sent for(派人去请) the songster(歌唱家), he said to him, “How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory?”
银行家很伤脑筋,抱怨着上帝怎么就没有把睡眠变成一种可以买卖的物品,就像吃的和喝的东西一样。 终于,银行家派人去把“歌唱家”请来,对他说:“你一年挣多少钱啊,格雷戈里师傅?”
“How much a year, sir?” said the merry cobbler laughing, “I never reckon(计算) in that way, living as I do from one day to another; somehow I manage to reach the end of the year; each day brings its meal.”
“Well then! How much a day do you earn, my friend?”
“Sometimes more, sometimes less; but the worst of it is, — and, without that our earnings would be very tolerable(可以的), a number of days occur in the year on which we are forbidden to work; and the curate(助理牧师), moreover, is constantly adding some new saint(圣徒) to the list.”
The banker, laughing at his simplicity(天真), said, “In the future I shall place you above want. Take these hundred crowns(克朗), preserve them carefully, and make use of them in time of need.”
The cobbler fancied he held all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of mankind. Returning home, he buried his money and his happiness at the same time, No more singing; he lost his voice, the moment he acquired that which is the source of so much grief.
Sleep quitted his dwelling; and cares, suspicions, and false alarms took its place. All day, his eye wandered in the direction of his treasure; and at night, if some stray(离群的) cat made a noise, the cat was robbing him.
At length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor. “Give my sleep and my voice back.” said he, “and take your hundred crowns.”
希腊七贤(Seven Sages of Greece或称Seven Wise Men)是指古希腊人所说的七个最有智慧的人,相传这七人各有一句名言传世。雅典的梭伦(Solon)说要“避免极端”(Nothing in excess.);斯巴达的奇伦(Chilon)的格言是“认识你自己”(Know thyself.);米利都的泰勒斯(Thales)认为“过分执着稳健只会带来灾难”(To bring surety brings ruin.);普林纳(小亚细亚)的毕阿斯(Bias)觉得“人多手脚乱”(Too many workers spoil the work.);林都斯(罗得岛)的克莱俄布卢(Cleobulus)告诫世人“凡事取中庸之道”(Moderation is the chief good.);密提利那(列斯保岛)的庇塔库斯(Pittacus)提醒人们要“抓紧时机”(Know thine opportunity.);科林斯的佩里安德(Periander)的格言是“行事前要三思”(Forethought in all things.)。