Lesson 8 A famous monastery

Words and expressions

1.Pass 关隘,关口

2.Monastery 修道院

3.Watchdog 看门狗,监察人

4.Monk 和尚,僧侣

nun 尼姑,修女

5.Temperature 温度

Take sb's temperature 测体温

To have a temperature/ run a temperature 发烧

Thermometer 体温计

Thermal 保暖的,防寒的

Thermos 保温杯,膳魔师(保温杯品牌)

Thermal underwear 保暖内衣

Fever 发烧

E.g. He has a high fever.

Reduce the fever 退烧

6.Centimeter 厘米

Millimeter 毫米


Shit, sheet; bitch, beach; hit, heat; wonder, wander; food, foot

8.Now that 既然,由于(引导原因状语从句)

9.Party 群,队,组

E.g. We are a party of four.

We need a table for four.

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