

一   发音

1.一段时间未炼口语,L和N 又傻傻分不清楚,被打回原形。┭┮﹏┭┮泪奔



3. 连读

all I       when I    Chill out    let it       had it all


You are the one I'm waiting for.介词在末尾要重读


This space, our place. our /aʊə/ 念成/ə/

二 拓展

1.All I do is wait 断裂句,起强调作用(=All I do is to wait.)

Example: All I do is learn English.

2.Carring the weight is better than to let you go.

更好的写法是:Carring the weight is better than letting you go.平行结构

3.To say I shoulda done it differently. should have 的简写 shoulda.

4. 好的表达

antidote  良药

Music is an antidote to loneliness

 listen to

I grew up listening to Guodegang's crosstalk.

strike:  strike sb as 给人..什么样的感觉

He struck me as a very serious but friendly person...他让我感觉是一个十分严肃但友好的人。

What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear...让我觉得很有意思的是我们经常以衣取人。

You've always struck me as being an angry man.我感觉你好像总是一副怒气冲冲的样子。

Complex着重内部组成成分数量之多,complicated 则不重数量,而主要强调各个组成部分之间错综复杂的互动关系。

poverty are complicated 贫穷的问题时错综复杂的。The mechanism of jet engines is complex.喷气引擎的构造是复杂的。

  -- -伴着音乐起舞   dance to the music

---幕后英雄   unsung hero

---radio 收到信息 copy that/roger that

----最喜欢 all time favorite

----风雨无阻 rain or shine

----催人泪下的电影/书 tear-jerker

---荣辱与共 through thick and thin

----爱不释手 page-turnrer

----美好的旧时光 goodie oldie days

-----似曾相识 deja va

----让过去成为过去 bygones 

-----东山再起/复出has-been   make a comeback    

-----冷静下来,放松    Lay back

 ---- 随便逛逛  Just chill out

----一对一,单挑   One on one 

---- come over unannounced 突然拜访 = show up 

----come prepared 有备而来

----crack up 使大笑

---逆袭  rags  to riches     from zero to hero

---兽皮  hide

---一举成功,一炮打响  run away sucess/ get out ground

---我是彻彻底底的中国制造  through and through

---他对我了如指掌 through and through

---天下没有免费的午餐  there is no such thing as a free lunch

----还没想好  That's a big if 

---承担责任  assume/shoulder

---这是我爷爷,那时我外公this grandpa on my mother/father side

---生活越来越难 go south/ when the days getting hard/ go down hill

