
Sloth is the mother of poverty.

It was a seemingly impossible task.

The firm has been immobilized.

We had a notion ...

ample parlor

to publicize the plight of the refugees

This bread has plenty of flavor.

The patent runs out in three years time.

These programs will integrate with your existing software.

This crisis has undermined his position.

A school is a principal's juresdiction.

sterile water

molten lava

Many countries subsidize exports.

We need to get more charcoal for the barbecue.

There was a crisis looming.

I plowed my way through the crowd. plow the high seas

Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan.

San Antonion incorporated as a city in 1837.

a concrete floor

concrete evidence / proplsals / proof

Physics used to be very much a male domain.

We are propelled to go forward.

The older trains were propelled by steam.
