翻译练习:Hedge Fund Analysts Use Deep Learning To DiagnoseHeart’s Condition




30, 2016 9:11 pm ET

Two quantitative analysts using artificial intelligence in an

online data science competition showed they could diagnose heart disease about

as accurately as doctors.


Qi Liu and Tencia Lee, hedge fund analysts and self-described

“quants,” built the winning algorithm in the competition, which could find indicators

of heart disease. The online data contest challenged participants to develop

machine algorithms that could measure cardiac volumes from MRIs provided by the

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

两位自称为“数量分析专家”的对冲基金分析员,刘秦(音)和李特西亚(音)开发了这种能够发现心脏病的指向标获胜算法。这次在线数据竞赛要求参与者开发出一种机器算法,这种算法要能够从美国国立心肺血液研究院(the National Heart, Lung and Blood


Mr. Liu and Ms. Leedidn’t know each other before they won the competition, beating out more than1,390 algorithms. They met each other in a forum on the Kaggle site, where thecompetition was hosted over a three-month period.


“We decided to combine our methods,” Ms. Lee said. “We decided

they were different enough from each other that we could do better than either

of us would alone.”


Competitors worked on algorithms that could accomplish a manual

and slow process that normally is carried out by cardiologists. Usually it

takes doctors about 20 minutes to measure cardiac volumes and derive ejection

fraction data from an MRI. The algorithms can analyze the images much more



The data scientists had a set of more than 1,000 MRIs to work

with. Ms. Lee said the winning algorithm used a technique called deep learning.


The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute will now test the

algorithm in clinical environments. Ms. Lee said she hopes one day the

algorithm can be used by health care professionals, but she said there is a

long road of testing and regulatory processes before it gets there.


“I certainly wouldn’t trust my doctor with what we just wrote,”

Ms. Lee said.


Many companies are trying to use artificial intelligence to

improve medicine. Investors are increasingly backing startups in the category,

and public technology companies have signaled it is a sector they’re betting

on. Last year International Business Machines Corp. acquired Merge Healthcare

Inc. for $1 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal.

近些年来,许多公司正在试图运用人工智能去改进药物。支持这一领域创业公司的投资者正在不断增长,与此同时,公共科技公司也放出信号说,他们也将会把赌注押在这一领域。据华尔街日报报道,去年,IBM就以10亿美金收购了医学成像及临床系统供应商Merge Healthcare Inc,并将其与旗下沃森健康(Watson Health)部门合并。

The contest, the National Data Science Bowl, is sponsored by the

data science startup Kaggle and Booz Allen Hamilton.

这场国家数据科学碗(the National Data Science Bowl)比赛,是由数据科学创业平台Kaggle和博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)赞助的。

This is the second time Kaggle has hosted a National Data

Science Bowl. The first competition challenged scientists to come up with

algorithms that could measure plankton population to predict global health.


Kaggle Chief Executive AnthonyGoldbloom said the winner of the firstNational Data Science Bowl now works as a research scientist at Google’sDeepMind. He said Kaggle competitions, which crowd source solutions to big dataproblems, have become a way for data scientists to quantify their skills whenapplying for jobs.

Mr. Goldbloom said the company is now seeking proposals for the

third competition’s challenge.



Write to Cat Zakrzewski at

[email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @Cat_Zakrzewski.

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