算法练习(103): 随机网格生成器(1.5.18)

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算法练习(103): 随机网格生成器(1.5.18)_第1张图片


  • 随机网格生成器


1.5.18 随机网格生成器。编写一个程序 RandomGrid,从命令行接受一个 int 值 N,生成一个 N×N 的网格中的所有连接。它们的排列随机且方向随机(即 (p q) 和 (q p) 出现的可能性是相等的),将这个结果打印到标准输出中。可以使用 RandomBag 将所有连接随机排列(请见练习 1.3.34),并使用如右下所示的 Connection 嵌套类来将 p 和 q 封装到一个对象中。将程序打包成两个静态方法:generate(),接受参数 N 并返回一个连接的数组;main(),从命令行接受参数 N,调用 generate(),便利返回的数组并打印出所有连接。

1.5.18 Random grid generator. Write a program RandomGrid that takes an int value N from the command line, generates all the connections in an N-by-N grid, puts them in random order, randomly orients them(so that p q and q p are equally likely to occur), and prints the result to standard output. To randomly order the connections, use aRandomBag (see Exercise 1.3.34 on page 167).To encapsulate p and q in a single object, use the Connection nested class shown below. Package your program as two static methods: generate(), which takes N as argument and returns an array of connections, and main(), which takes N from the command line, calls generate(), and iterates through the returned array to print the connections.



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