


General logic mainly includes four aspects:

1. Content: What has been obtained from the research results?

2. Causes (background): Based on real problems? Theoretical disputes? Inspiration or unknown areas?

3. Process: What steps are used to conduct this study?

4. Meaning: Significance and importance of research results.

In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility has received more and more attention. From the perspective of different stakeholders such as consumers, employees and shareholders, to social pressures and moral obligations, and even legal systems, many companies are trying their best to fulfill their social responsibility obligations. This means that the company creates profits, is responsible for the interests of shareholders, and also bears social responsibility for employees, society and the environment, including compliance with business ethics, production safety, occupational health, resources protecting, legitimate rights protecting and interests of workers (Background). A huge number of previous literatures have already demonstrated the role and importance of CSR, and at the same time, they clarified CSR's influence on corporate image, reputation, and economic aspects from the perspective of external stakeholders. However, few scholars have looked at this issue from the perspective of internal stakeholders - employees. Hence, this paper will take a further analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee participation and satisfaction from the perspective of employees. The research aims to explore the effects in employees’s participation while considering one of basic variables—personality differences on corporate social responsibility (What). This article will use the quantitative methodology. First, I will design and issue corresponding questionnaires to compete for the true validity of the sample volume. Secondly, a systematic analysis of the collected data is performed. Third, the results are discussed to verify whether the proposed assumptions are true (How). The fulfillment of corporate social responsibility can be transformed into opportunities and strategic means for the development of the enterprise, if it can be used and practiced well. In other words, fulfilling social corporate responsibility can no longer be a burden and a passive practice, but it is an indispensable and important part of building its market competitiveness (Why). Hence, it will help enterprises to observe more scientific and objective content in the future CSR activity development.

2. 对于科研至关重要的文献综述,应遵循怎样的逻辑范式进行?根据你熟悉的领域,确定一个有意义的研究课题,并基于以往相关研究阐释其必要性和价值(用“漏斗”式故事思维,逐曾深入,直至指出research / literature gap及相应研究的必要性和价值)

For the logical paradigm of literature review, the "funnel" display can be used. The first opening is to find directly related articles and study these articles have been done. Followed by a turning point, what aspects or problems have scholars neglected? What scholars have made further investigations? The third is the progressive step, mainly repeating the second step. The ultimate is to find a virgin land in this area: literature gap. At the same time, it should pay attention to the meaning and value of this gap.

1.Mcwilliams and Siegel (2001) have confirmed that employees are one major group of stakeholders demanding CSR.

2.Employees’s CSR perception has effects on employees‘s work outcomes. Employees play a key role in their organizations and their perception of CSR will influence their subsequent work outcomes ( Shin, Hur and Kang, 2017 ).

3.Employees with better perception of CSR develop greater Psycap stronger sense of meaningful work and greater positive effect (Leal, Rego and Cunha, 2015 ).

4.The relationship between employee’s perception of CSR and employee behavior would be mediated by job attitudes (Dan , 2010).

5. The more attractive the image of CSR is to the employees, the more their organizational identification will be strengthed if they perceived their organization as being socially responsible (Glavas and Godwin, 2013).

6.High employees‘ commitment may result from good CSR. Good environment dimension of CSR practice will be able to increase the employee in-role behavior through the effects of affective commitment ( Chiang, 2010 ).

7.Although an organization‘s CSR activities can be generalized to result in positive organizational outcomes, not employee will positively perceive an organization’s CSR activities. Individual differences can significantly influence the effects of CSR activities on organizational outcomes (Lee, Park and Lee , 2013).

8.The research found that which of male of female has a higher orientation to the CSR,but there is no significance and meaningful differences between male and female‘s orientation to the CSR in the organization (Kahreh et al., 2014).

9.Personality could play an important role in forming CSR perception in different ways and become an antecedent of work outcomes. Link personality with CSR perception, work attitudes and behaviors to explore their relationships (Literature Gap).


Employees are the important objects for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, and are also the executors for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities to other stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility should be promoted to become a sustainable development force by internal and external cooperation. As an important part of internal links, employees are the supporting force for the development of enterprises. Only when an enterprise undertakes to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its employees, such as their life and health, salary and treatment, and pays attention to their life, work situation, growth and development, can it improve their loyalty and goodwill towards the enterprise, thus stimulating the greatest potential and providing internal motivation for the sustainable development of the enterprise.


Chiang,C.C.S. (2010) How corporate social responsibility infuences employee job satisfaction in the hotel industry. Thesis/ Dissertations/ Professional Papers/ Capstones. University of Nevada.

Dan, Z. (2010) ‘The impact of Employees’ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility on Job Attitudes and Behaviors:A study in China. ’Dissertation and Theses Collection, Available from: http// ink.library.smu.edu.sg/ etd_coll/72(Accessed:22 June 2018).

Glavas, A.& Godwin, L.N. (2013) Is the perception of ‘goodness’ good enough? Exploring the relationship between perceived corporate social responsibility and employee organizational identification. J. Bus. Ethics, 114, pp.15–27.

Kareh, M. S., Babania, A.,Tive, M. & Mirmehdi, S.M. (2014) An examination to effects of

Gender differences on the Copporate Social Responsibility(CSR). Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109(2014), pp. 664-668.

Leal, S., Rego, A. & Cunha, M. (2015) How the Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Make Them Happier and Psychologically Stronger. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(9), pp.113-126.

Lee, E.M., Park, S. & Lee, H. (2013) Employee perception of CSR activities: Its antecedents and consequences. J. Bus. Res. , 66, pp. 1716–1724.

Shin ,I., Hur,W.M & Kang.S (2017) Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Performance: A Sequential Mediation Model. Sustainability, 9(28), pp.493-507.

Mcwilliams,A. & Siegel, D.S. (2001) Corporate social responsibilitity: A theory of the firm pespective. Academy of Management Review, 26, pp.117-127.
