Peak CH 2

【word and expression】


But if your challenge is mental—becoming proficient at calculus, say, or learning how to play a musical instrument or speak a new language—it’s different.

››give example 举例

[no passive] to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibility

• 比方说;假设:


»You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months.


»Let's take any writer, say (= for example) Dickens...



The subjects were asked to spot a small image against a background that was very similar in shade to the spot.

[C]~ (of sth)a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is

• 浓淡深浅;色度:

»adelicate / pale / rich / soft shadeof red

淡/浅 / 艳/柔和的红色


Perhaps the most compelling evidence of this comes from an experiment done in the late 1990s,

adj.that makes you think it is true

• 令人信服的:

»There is no compelling reason to believe him.


仿写:She wrote a very compelling argument about alien.


so London taxi drivers have proved irresistible to psychologists interested in learning and, particularly, in the learning of navigational skills

~ (to sb) so attractive that you feel you must have it

• 极诱人的;忍不住想要的:

»The bright colours were irresistible to the baby.


造句:It proved an irresistible temptation to me to buy beautiful notebooks.


After that, Guinness World Records stopped accepting submissions for the number of pushups done with no rest periods and switched to the most pushups performed in twenty-four hours with resting allowed.为什么不用rest而是resting?

there was no change in the size of the posterior hippocampi among the prospective taxi drivers who had failed to become licensed (either because they simply stopped training or because they could not pass the tests)or among the subjects who had never had anything to do with the taxi training program. 这里的or可以用and吗?


biceps 二头肌  triceps 三头肌    delts 三角肌    quadriceps 股四头肌

lats 背阔肌      pecs=pectorals 胸肌    calves 腓肌      abs =abdominals 腹肌

hamstring 腿筋      glutes 臀大肌        acidity/alkalinity 酸性/碱性    lactic acid乳酸

blood glucose level 血糖水平      elasticity弹性plasticity可塑性

optician眼镜商  optometrist验光师  farsightedness/presbyopia远视眼  calculus 微积分

thumbtack 图钉    ring finger无名指  index finger 食指  Braille 盲人用的点字法






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