The Economist对中国全面开放二胎的政策评论道:与其说是拯救出生率(这已经太迟了),不如说是为自己的权威留存些颜面而已。
The Economist在最后说道:限制人口的政策必须得被废除。这并非要促进出生率增长,而是为了那些被独生子女政策伤害过的广大中国家庭。
原文:Two little, too late
disguised [ADJ]
: Having an appearance that hides the true form
undergo [VERB-T]
: If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you
abortion [NOUN]
: A failure
benighted [ADJ]
: without knowledge or morals
synonymous [adj]
: If you say that one thing is synonymous with another, you mean that the two things are so closely connected in most people's minds that one suggests the other
brutal [ADJ]
: cruel, violent and completely without feelings
bitter [ADJ]
: with an unpleasantly sharp taste/ expressing a lot of hate and anger
irony [NOUN]
: a means of expression which suggests a different, usually humorous or angry, meaning for the words used
belatedly [ADV]
: coming later than expected
rudimentary [ADJ]
: Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory
oppression [NOUN]
: when people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom
cruelty [NOUN-C/U]
: cruel behaviour or a cruel action
foster [VERB-T]
: to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
egregious [ADJ]
: Egregious means very bad indeed
lukewarm [ADJ]
: not enthusiastic or interested
indoctrinate [VERB-T]
: to repeat an idea or belief frequently to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
bizarrely [ADV]
: very strange and unusual
surge [NOUN]
: a sudden and great increase crippling population surge
crippling [ADV]
: If you say that an action, policy, or situation has a crippling effect on something, you mean it has a very serious, harmful effect
be subject to
: To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it
for the sake of
: in order to help or bring advantage to someone/ because of, or for the purpose of something

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