
今天原则讲解到了107条. 原来领导对下属的评价要既有批评,也有鼓励.


注意,文章难以理解的地方,在于这个perspetive(观点)的形成是员工形成的观点?什么样的观点呢?是员形成的老板对自己总体评价的观点.所以, 这个观点不是老板形成的对员工的观点.  至少原文中最后的理解的点是这个点. Ray Dalio要员工把自己对他们的一次评价放入员工总体的观念之中. (可读下面部分)

Put your compliments and criticisms into perspective. I find that many people tend to blow evaluations out of proportion, so it helps to clarify that the weakness or mistake under discussion is not indicative of your total evaluation. Example: One day I told one of the new research people what a good job I thought he was doing and how strong his thinking was. It was a very positive initial evaluation. A few days later I heard him chatting away for hours about stuff that wasn’t related to work, so I spoke to him about the cost to his and our development if he regularly wasted time. Afterward I learned he took away (from that encounter)the idea that I thought he was doing a horrible job and that he was on the brink of being fired. But my comment about his need for focus had nothing to do with my overall evaluation of him. If I had explained myself when we sat down that second time, he could have better put my comments in perspective.

译事之难. 有时候难于上青天.  但好的读者是可以和作者共震的.


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