

有一对tire (轮胎)

被汽车hire (租用)

时效已expire (到期) *

不小心fire (着火)

还烧了wire (电线)

车只好retire (退休)

因为坏entire (整个的)

换新的require (需要)

tire [tai (r)] n.疲劳,轮胎,头饰;vt.使疲倦,使厌烦,梳理,装轮胎,心神贯注于;vi.疲劳,厌倦;[习语] tire chain (防滑链),tire out (精疲力竭)。

hire [hai] n.租金,工钱,租用,雇用;vt.雇请,出租;vi.受雇;[习语] hire out (租出去),on / for hire(出租),be in the hire of sb.(受雇于某人)。

expire [ikspai] v.期满,终止,呼气,断气,届满。

fire [fai] n.炉火,火灾(set on fire 放火),闪光,

炮火,热情,激情;vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等) 加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇;vi.开枪,着火,激动;

[习语] cease fire (停火),play with fire (冒险),under fire(受到攻击)。

wire [wai] n.金属丝,电线,电报;vt.用金属丝卷起,拍电报(wired her congratulations 向她致电祝贺);

vi.打电报;adj.金属丝制的;[习语] down to the wire(坚持到最后),a wire fence (金属网)。

retire [ritai] n.退隐;vi.退休,引退,退却,撤退,就寝;[习语] retire from the world (退隐),retire to

bed (就寝),retire a clerk (辞退职员)。

entire [intai] adj.全部的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,整个的。

require [rikwai] vt.需要,要求,命令。

tire—在tire 前加en 变为:entire [intai] adj.完全的,全部的,全体的

hire—把hire 里的h 换为w 变为:wire [wai] n.电线,导线,线路

expire—把expire 里的e 换为y 变为:expiry [ikspairi] n.满期,呼气,终了,终结

fire—在fire 后加wood 变为:firewood [faiwud] n.木柴

wire—把wire 里的r 换为s 变为:wise [waiz] adj.英明的,明智的

entire—在entire 后加ly 变为:entirely [intaili] adv.完全地,全然地,一概地

require—在require 后加ment 变为:requirement[rikwaimnt] n.需求,要求,必要条件

retire—在retire 后加e 变为:retiree [ritairi] n.退休人员,退休者

The frog does not tire in the water.青蛙在水中不嫌累。

Men tire themselves in pursuit of rest.人们在追求安逸中疲惫不堪。

If the rich could hire someone else to die for them,the poor would make wonderful living.假如富人能雇佣其他人为他们去死,穷人将活得很幸福。

When you hire people who are smarter than you are,you

prove you are smarter than they are.假如能雇佣比自己聪明的人就已证明自己比他们更睿智。

If we expire when we die,shouldn't we inspire while welive.终止奋斗,一切速亡,身心健在,不停努力。

There is no fire without smoke.没有不冒烟的火。

Fight fire with fire.以毒攻毒。

A flatterer has water in one hand and fire in the other.奉承者有苦也有乐。

To retire is like getting a second youth.退休就像获得第二次青春。

No one should retire from the world who has an old fatheror mother.老父老母在身旁,谁愿意退休呢?
