


例:He drives his car carefully. (他小心开车。)


例:He is a very careful driver. (他是一位很小心的驾驶。)


例:He drives his car very carefully. (他开车非常小心。)


(1) 情状副词



例:quick-quickly (快)    careful-carefully (小心)

△形容词字尾为le →去e加ly

例:terrible-terribly (可怕)    comfortable-comfortably (舒适)

△形容词字尾为辅音+y →去y加ily

例:happy-happily (快乐)    heavy-heavily (重的)


例:full-fully (满)    dull-dully (迟钝)

△形容词字尾为ue →去e加ly

例:true-truly (真实)    due-duly (适当)


例:early (早),late (晚),enough (足够),fast (快),first (第一),last (最后)等。

注意:friendly、lovely 虽然是ly结尾,但它们都是形容词。


例:good-well (好)



例:She danced beautifully. = She beautifully danced. (她跳舞很优美。)



例:All of us accepted the invitation gladly.

= All of us gladly accepted the invitation. (我们所有人都很乐意接受这邀请。)


例:She walked into the classroom quietly.

    = She quietly walked into the classroom.

    = She walked quietly into the classroom. (她安静地走进教室。)

△be动词+副词+ V-ing

例:He was anxiously waiting for her arrival. (他焦急地等着她的到来。)


例:Slowly and carefully he opened the box. (他慢慢地小心翼翼地打开盒子。)

注意:连缀动词,如feel, taste…等,其后须接形容词。

例:1. The old man looked angry. (那老人看起来很生气。)

            The old man looked at me angrily. (那老人生气地看着我。)

        2. We felt sad for his death. (我们为他的死感到难过。)

            The doctor felt the pulse carefully. (医生细心地诊脉。)

       3. Mark appeared calm. (Mark似乎很冷静。)  注意:这里的appeare,是连缀动词。

           Mark appeared suddenly at the door. (Mark突然出现在门口。)

(2) 频率副词→always (总是),usually (通常),often (经常),sometimes (偶尔),seldom (不常),      ever (曾经),never (绝不)




例:Jim is always late to school. =Jim always goes to school late. (Jim上学总是迟到。)


例:1. Mr. Wang usually goes to the office by bus, but Mrs. Wang never does.


        2. Did you ever talk to foreigners in English? No, I never did.



例:Sometimes we eat dinner in that restaurant. (偶尔我们在那家餐厅吃晚餐。)

注意:询问频率用How often (多久一次)

例:How often do the buses run between the station and your school?  → Once an hour.


(3) 地方副词→there (那里),here (这里),downstairs (楼下),upstairs (楼上),inside (在内),outside (在外),under the tree (在树下)…等。


例:Her parents lived on a small farm in a remote country. (她父母住在偏远乡下的一个小农场上。)


例:1. The young girls are going upstairs. (那些年轻女孩们正往楼上走去。)

        2. Upstairs they are having a party, and downstairs people are playing loud music. So I cannot study in my apartment. (楼上正在开派对,而楼下又有人大声的放音乐。所以我无法在我的公寓里读书。)

(4) 时间副词


例:Last week you promised me to do it. →You promised me to do it last week.



例:The wedding took place on Wednesday evening last week. (婚礼在上星期三晚上举行。)


例:1. My sister went upstairs quietly a minute ago. (我姐姐不久前安静地上楼去了。)

        2. A time bomb exploded at the station yesterday. (一颗定时炸弹昨天在车站爆炸。)

(5) 程度副词→ so (如此地)、too (太)、very (非常)、quite (相当地)、enough (够)


例:so comfortable (如此舒适)、too tired (太累)、very carefully (非常小心)


例:tall enough (够高),kind enough (够仁慈)

例:It's warm enough for you to play out of doors. (天气够暖和你可以到外面玩。)


very / much

△very修饰原级和最高级    much修饰比较级和最高级

例:1. He is a very good boy. (他是个非常棒的男孩。)

        2. He is a much better boy than you. (他是个比你棒的男孩。)

        3. He is much the best boy of all. = He is the very best boy of all. (他是所有男孩中最棒的。)

注意: very 修饰最高级的时候,要放在the 与最高级的中间。

△much及very much可修饰动词,但very不可以。

例:I don't like the idea (very) much.我不是很喜欢这想法。


much及very much可修饰过去分词(P.P.)



例:1. English is an very interesting subject. (英文是非常有趣的科目。)

        2. I am much (= very much) interested in English. (我对英语很感兴趣。)

        3. I am very pleased to teach all of you English. (我非常高兴教大家英语。)

maybe / may be

maybe (或许)为副词;may为助动词,be为动词,意指“可能是”。

例:1. Maybe he is right. (也许他对了。)

2. He may be right. (他可能对了。)

sometime / some time

△sometime (某个时候),some time (一些时间)

例:1. I saw him sometime last year. (我在去年某个时间见过他。)

2. I'll call on you sometime. (改天我会去拜访你。)

3. I'll do this if I can spare some time. (如果我能挪出一点时间,我会做这件事。)

everyday / every day

everyday (每天) 当形容词用      every day (每天)当副词用

例:1. Wear your everyday clothes. (穿便服吧。)

2. She helps her mom with kitchen work every day. (她每天帮她母亲做厨房工作。)


例:Unfortunately, John failed to pass the exam. (不幸地,John未能通过考试。)

注意:fail to V. (未能做成....)
