《Succeed》翻译作业(26) 2018-01-10

What You Can Do about It
So perhaps now you're thinking,"Okay,my failure to lose weight isn't because I lack willpower in general,but because I've spent it all on other important goals.like succeeding at work.Great How dose that help me,exactly?"Fail enough.It helps you can plan accordingly.This brings us to another way in which self-control is like a muscle--nanmely,that if you rest it for while,you get your strengh back.Deplation is only temporary,and you are most vulnerable immedialtely after you've used up your self-control reserves.Did you ever notice how dealing with a temptation seems to get easier over time?It may feel like torture to forgo that dessert or cigarette,but it doesn't keep torturing you quite so much ae time passes.If you can get past that moment when your self-control is nearly spent and give it time to bounce bake,you're probably going to be just fine.

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