献上一段English Pod的一篇, The weekend- Road trip, 一对夫妻在准备出游和出游路上的对话……
Tom: So, are we all ready to go?
Mary: Yup, I think so. The car's packed; we have munchies and music, and the map's in the car.
Tom: Did you get the camera?
Mary: Got it! Did you fill up the tank?
Tom: Yup, it's all set.
Mary: You're sure we're not forgetting anything?
Tom: I'm sure... we've got all our bases covered.
Mary: Well, let's get going then! I love road trips!
Mary: Um... do you think we can make a pit stop?
Tom: But we've only been on the road for ten minutes.
Mary: I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left.
1. road trip 公路旅行。 想出去走走,但又没有目的地?来段公路旅行可以,地图上随便指个地方,拿起车钥匙就走。说起来,家里挂个地图应该很不错……
2. munchies: 小零食,轻简食物。比如薯片、饼干、巧克力等等。单词就长这样,虽然最后的-ies很容易让人误以为它会有个单数形式。
3. The car is packed. 东西都装上车了。 (is packed, 被动语态)
The room is packed. 房间里都是人。(packed 作形容词)
很让人困惑有木有? 我就知道,呵呵。
Did you fill up the tank? 油加满了吗?
fill the glass 倒酒 fill up the glass 倒满酒。 感受一下。
tank 有坦克的意思,不过这里是汽车油箱gas tank的简写。
5. pit stop = quick stop 短暂停歇。
常与make 连用: make a pit stop
Do you think we can make a pit stop? 我们要不要歇一会?
pit stop 连读很容易误听为pits top
6. We've got all our bases covered. 万事俱备
have got all our bases covered应该是英语习语(idioms) cover all the bases 的被动用法,再加上完成时态。cover all the bases 指做好万全准备,不管发生什么 状况都能应付。
【例句】We've got all the bases covered in case hurricane hits. 我们已经做好准备,应对台风到来。
【例句】OK, I have my keys, wallet, and passport. Looks i have all my bases covered. 钥匙带了,钱包带了,护照也带了,应该是都带全了。
7. Let's get going. 走吧;开始吧。 很实用的短语,而且上面的go可以换成其它动词使用。比如
【例句】I've got the chicken. let's get cooking. 鸡到手了,开始煮吧。 (原谅我放荡不羁的翻译。)
【例句】This house is really scary. Let's get out of here. 这房子太恐怖了,我们走吧。
【例句】I have another meeting in 5 minutes. So let's get down to business. 我5分钟后还有个会,直接说正事吧。
8. It's all set. 准备好了! 比it's all ready 更地道。
9. go to the bathroom = go to the loo 【英式口语】 = go to the toilet = go to the restroom 上厕所
go 可以换成use, 比如
I need to use the bathroom.
Can I use the bathroom?