

Issue  n. /vb.


N.1)   A point in dispute between two or more parties.  争论点

"In federal civil procedure, an issue is a single, certain and material point arising out of the allegations and contentions of the parties; it is matter affirmed on one side and denied on the other, and when a fact is alleged in the complaint and denied in the answer, the matter is then put in issue between the parties." 35A C.J.S Federal Civil Procedure 357, at 541(1960).

collateral issue   次要争点

"A question or issue not directly connected with matter in dispute."


immaterial issue  非实质性争论点

"An issue not necessary to decide the point of law." Cf. material issue.


issue of fact  事实上的争论点

"A point supported by one party's evidence and controverted by another's."  =fact issue


issue of law  法律上的争点

"A point on which the evidence is undisputed, the outcome depending on the court's interpretation of the law."  =legal issue


multifarious issue  不当合并的争点

"An issue that inquires about several different points ( esp. facts) when each one should be inquired about in a separate issue."


ultimate issue 基本争点

"A not-yet-decided point that is sufficient either in itself or in connection with other points to resolve the entire case."  =ultimate question


N. 2)  A class or series of securities that are simultaneously offered for sale.   证券发行=bond issue; stock issue

hot issue  热门股发行

“A security that, after an initial or secondary offering, is traded in the open market at a substantially higher price."  =hot stock


original issue  原始发行

"The first issue of securities of a particular type or series."


N. 3)  Lineal descendants; offspring  后代,子嗣

issue female  女性子孙

issue male  男性子孙

lawful issue   直系卑亲属,合法子嗣

"Descendants, including descendants more remote than children. At common law, the term include only those who were children of legally recognized subsisting marriages."

广义上指某人所有的直系卑亲属,而不限于子女,与直系继承人(heir of the body)同义。在普通法上,仅指合法婚姻所生子女,不包括非婚生子女。 

Vb. 1)  To accrue 积累

Vb. 2)  To be put in-forth officially 颁布< without probable cause, the search warrant will not issue)

Vb. 3)  To send out or distribute officially 发行

(来源:Black's Law Dictionary, 《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)
