第二章 Reign of the Aegon 2

第二章 Reign of the Aegon 2 - 知乎

《冰与火之歌前传火与血 英文原版 权力的游戏300年前的故事Fire and Blood Game of Thrones Song of Ice 乔治马丁 [精装] George R.R. Martin [平装] George R.R. Martin》 George R.R. Martin【摘要 书评 试读】图书

Afterward the issue arose as to who should rule the Iron Islands for the king. It was suggested that the ironman be made vassals of the Tullys of Riverrun or the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Some even urged that they decided that he would allow the iron born to choose their own lord paramount. To no one's surprise, they chose one of their own: Vickon Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of Pyke. Lord Vickon did homage to King Aegon, and the Dragon departed with his fleets.


Greyjoy's writ extended only to the Iron Islands, however; he renounced all claim the ruined castle of Harrenhal and its domains to Ser Quenton Qoherys, his master-at-arms on Dragonstone, but required him to accept Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun as his liege lord. The new-made Lord Quenton had two strong sons and a plump grandson to assure the succession, but as his first wife had been carried off by spotted fever three years earlier, he further agreed to take one of Lord Tully's daughter as his bride.


With the submission of the Three Sisters and the Iron Islands, all of Westeros south of the Wall was now ruled by Aegon Targaryen, save Dorne alone. So it was to Dorne that the Dragon next turned his attention. Aegon first attempted to win the Dornishmen with words, dispatching a delegation of high lords, masters, and septons to Sunspear to treat with Princess Meria Martell, the so-called Yellow Toad of Dorne, and persuade her of the advantages of joining her realm to his. Their negotiations continued for the best part of a year, but achieved nothing.

随着三姐妹群岛和铁群岛的投降,长城以南的维斯特洛大陆全由伊耿·坦格利安统治,唯独除了多恩。因此多恩成为了伊耿下一个目标。伊耿首先试图用谈判赢得多恩人的支持,他派遣了一个由高级领主、大学士和修士组成的代表团前往阳戟城,与梅莉亚·马泰尔公主(Meria Martell)会面,她被称为多恩的黄色癞蛤蟆,并向她保证加入他的王国的好处。他们的谈判持续了将近一年的时间,但没有取得任何成果。

The start of the First Dornish War is generally fixed at 4 AC, when Rhaenys Targaryen returned to Dorne. This time she came with fire and blood, just as she had threatened. Riding Meraxes, the queen descended out of a clear blue sky and set the Planky Town ablaze, the fires leaping from boat to boat until the whole mouth of the Greenblood was choked with burning flotsam, and the pillar of smoke could be seen as far away as Sunspear. The denizens of the floating town took to the river for refuge from the flames, so fewer than a hundred died in the attack, and most of those from drowning rather than dragon fire. But first blood had been shed. 


第二章 Reign of the Aegon 1 -

arose:vt 出现

vassals: n 封臣


homage:vt 效忠


renounced:vt 宣布放弃

plump:adj 胖乎乎的

succession:n 继承

dispatching:vt 派遣

delegation:n 代表团

persuade:vt 保证

flotsam:n 废物


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