2019-08-04 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(销售策略)

What do you think of celebrity endorsement? 您觉得用名人代言怎么样?


1. billboard /'bɪlbɔrd/ n. 广告牌;布告板 vt. 宣传;介绍

2. celebrity endorsement 明星代言

3. effective 有效的

4. sample 样品

5. coupon赠券

6. busy season 旺季

7. slack season 淡季

8. raffle 抽奖活动  /'ræfl/ n. 废物;抽彩售货 vt. 抽彩售货 vi. 抽彩

9. sales calls 电话销售

10. advertising campaign 广告活动  /kæm'pen/v. 领导或参加运动;参加竞选 n. 运动;活动;战役,军事行动;竞选

11. promote 推销

12. advertising 广告

13. top seller 畅销品

14. discount 折扣

15. cost-effective 成本效益好的

16. promotional channels 促销渠道


1. Surely you'll agree that a small advertising campaign will go far in paving the way for your products. 做点广告宣传会大大促进贵方产品的销售,这一点您肯定会同意的。

2. We can have a book signing. 我们可以来一场签售。

3. We are going to promote the new products on televition. 我们打算在电视上宣传新产品。

4. Television advertising is an expensive but effective method of promotion. 电视广告是一种昂贵但却有效的促销方式。


1. On sales! 打折

2. All shoes are half off. 所有的鞋子5折。

3. I can give you a 20 percent off discount on this dress. 这件裙子打八折


1. Two for one. 买一赠一

2. Buy two, get one free. 买二赠一

3. WIthaca each shirt you get a gift of a pair of socks.买一件衣服,送一双袜子。


1. First prize in the raffle ia a computer. 一等奖是电脑

2. You can enter our lucky lottery with the shopping receipt. 凭购物小票参与抽奖。

3. The prize winner needs to receive the prize at the hall. 中奖者请到大厅领奖。


1. Free taste. 免费品尝

2. Welcome to try our jam for free. 欢迎免费品尝我们的果酱

3. Please have a taste of our free sample. 请尝尝我们的免费样品。


1. sales trends 销售趋势

2. amount of sales 销售额

3. volume of business 营业额

4. turnover 周转率

5. amount of settlement 清算金额


1. Well, we are considering national TV spots, print ads, and product placement in movies. 我们考虑用全国性的电视广告、平面广告,并在电影中插入产品。

2. Do we need to pick a high-profile spokesperson? 我们需不需要找一位知名度高的代言人。

3. We give some free coupons to the consumers. 我们给顾客发送了一些免费代金券。

4. You get a coupon for every 3 gallons of petrol. 没买3加仑的汽油就可获得1张优惠券。

5. The coupon can be used once only. 此优惠券只限使用1次。

6. We could sponsor an event like a concert or a sports game. 我们可以赞助一些类似音乐会或体育比赛的活动。

7. We're giving customers the chance to trade in laptops for tablets. 我们为顾客提供了用笔记本电脑换购平板电脑的机会。

8. What choices have you decided for promoting at events?你们选择了什么样的促销方案?

9. Shall we get down to the packing? 

10. I think the appearance of package will catch the eye and will certainly promote the sales. 我认为包装外观引人注目,一定能促进销售。

11. How would you like your order, by air or by sea? 你的货物是想用空运还是海运?

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