arcgis10寻宝 使用一个图层切割一个数据集下所有数据

arcgis10寻宝 使用一个图层切割一个数据集下所有数据

# Script Name: Clip Multiple Feature Classes  by giosracle
# Description: Clips one or more shapefiles
#              from a folder and places the clipped
#              feature classes into a geodatabase.
# Created By:  Insert name here.
# Date:        Insert date here.

# Import ArcPy site-package and os modules
import arcpy
import os

# Set the input workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

# Set the clip featureclass
clipFeatures = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

# Set the output workspace
outWorkspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)

# Set the XY tolerance
clusterTolerance = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)

    # Get a list of the featureclasses in the input folder
    fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

    for fc in fcs:  
        # Validate the new feature class name for the output workspace.
        featureClassName = arcpy.ValidateTableName(fc, outWorkspace)
        outFeatureClass = os.path.join(outWorkspace, featureClassName)
        # Clip each feature class in the list with the clip feature class.
        # Do not clip the clipFeatures, it may be in the same workspace.
        if fc <> os.path.basename(clipFeatures):
            arcpy.Clip_analysis(fc, clipFeatures, outFeatureClass,

    print arcpy.GetMessages(2)
