Beyond Feelings CH15




Observing People



作者举了一个例子,一个已经进行9周、并且课堂作文练习在第一节课就声明的作业课上,一个学生向老师借钢笔。虽然老师什么都没说,也看不出不悦,慢慢掏出笔,走到他桌前,把钢笔借给他了。但如果这个学生足够有观察力,可以感受到老师的不悦以及“What’s the use?”的怀疑。

Observation in Science and Medicine

科学与药物上的发现也是通过观察。比如心脏病的确诊,青霉素的发现penicillin等等。另外也要注意不要犯错:post hoc fallacy。能观察、推论是很好的,但是注意因果关系是不一定成立的。

The Range of Application

Becoming More Observant

我们还是会受到mine is better的思想影响,很多时候我们都只关注自身。但是真正会观察的人,会把观察点放在身边的人身上。

下面这一段真的很有趣,全面节选过来,实践思考。(个人思考:这个让我想起在知乎上的一个问答,做公交车的时候做什么好。 对我来说,听东西很难因为太吵,看书和手机又很伤眼,所以一般就三件事情可以做。一是睡觉,二是思考最近的计划安排、背东西、想设计、理思路,三就是观察身边的人了,观察每个人的样貌、衣着、在车里的动作,思考推测他们的职业、故事等等。)

A good way to start becoming more observant is to practice receiving sense impressions more attentively. At the next meeting of an organization you belong to or any other gathering, try to notice things you would normally miss: objects in the room, the arrangement of the furniture, the positions of the people in relation to one another, the subtle reactions of people during the discussion. The next time you are walking around your neighborhood or in the mall, try to see how many things you’ve been missing. Which houses are best cared for? How many people smile and nod or otherwise greet you? What activities are people you pass engaged in? Do they seem to be enjoying what they are doing? How many different sounds do you hear? Which sounds dominate? Are they pleasant or harsh? How many different styles of walking can you detect among the people you pass? How many stores have closed? Which stores are most crowded?

When  you  are  reading  a  magazine  or  newspaper  or  watching  TV,look for the significance of things. Consider the connections among ideas,even apparently unrelated ones. An article about an astronomer’s location of a new galaxy may reveal something about concentration and mental discipline. A TV show about the effects of negligence and abuse on children may suggest a new perspective on marriage or divorce or the Hollywood image of romance.

Reflecting on Your Observations



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