【Draft 1】Mirror(6)Chase


Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!

Never in a million year would I have imagined myself to go through a shitty day like this.  The whole thing almost feels unreal, like some sick story where the author decides to hate an innocent guy like me because it’ll be cliche to let him live in peace. 

Before Officer Sherman came into the questioning room with my wallet, I thought that being mistaken for a rape suspect was the most fucked up thing that could’ve ever happened to me and the nightmare would be over once Abby brought me my driver’s license.  That was, until the universe screwed me over again by setting me up for the most absurd thing I would do to Abby.  As if exposing any of her private parts to anyone other than myself would appeal to me in anyway.  Fuck no!

Footsteps approach from the other side of the door, followed by a sharp voice,  “got any problem in there?” 

Okay, the swearing may be a little too loud.  “No.” I reply quickly.

“Then shut the fuck up!”  The cop yells at the door.

Well, enough with the cursing then.  No amount of profanity can help me get out of this trouble.  I need to rewind time and look for clues from how it all goes down.  BRCAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO JAIL!

The whole shit started 15 minutes into the editing for Daniel’s documentary.  Interviews, scenery, food, blah blah blah.  Nothing “experimental” to be honest, but totally normal.  That was why I noticed the porn footage the second it came on, because it didn’t have a head, the five-second tape shot before action started.  On the screen was a gorgeous nude body in full view.  The girl was sleeping on her back, her platinum blonde long hair spreading all over like a bridal veil. 

Abby.  What was she doing in the footage?

The camera proceeded to zoom in, scanning every inch of her chalk-white skin dotted with pink freckles, paying extra attention to her private parts from different angles.  I literally froze in the seat, as if all the blood had been drained  out of my body and pumped to my brain for a full boil.  The footage didn’t have any audio, but the swooshing sound of my pulse was loud enough to overpower the heavy footsteps from two cops walked in with the restraining order.  I didn’t even jump, and the Miranda Warning one of them read me only made the whole encounter that much more ridiculous.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court.  With these rights in mind, are you still willing to talk with me about the charges against you?”  Damn, they do say shit like that in real life, just like on TV or in movies. 

Being a law forbidding citizen and having nothing to hide, I didn’t for a second think of turning off or cover the monitor as I spoke with the cop.  Hell, I wasn’t sure if I was capable of forming any coherent thoughts.  So the raw footage kept running, with Abby’s bare chest and ass for the cop and the whole fucking world to see. 

Panic didn’t register until I realized I didn’t have any forms of ID with me.  When I insisted I was not this rapist and the girl on the screen was my girlfriend, the shorter cop simply scoffed and took away the phone as I showed him Abby’s photos.  Come to think of it, the photos might have confirmed his suspicion, since some of them were taken from her back or the side.  All clothed of course, and artistic.  In the eye of the cops, however, all of them must be undoubtedly stalker shots.

Adding to the growing pile of “evidence” was the cupcake purse, which I handed to the short cop, Sherman, for a search when he asked whom it belonged to.  That damn purse!  Why in the world would anyone carry the same purse as Abby?  Hell, who would’ve thought carrying a fucking Taser would be such a big deal?  Not that I would, or needed to.  Still, it was even a real gun!

I didn’t protest when tall cop cuffed me.  I was stunned, not stupid.  I didn’t say anything on the ride to the police station either.  Nothing I said mattered to the cop anyway.  Fortunately they let me make phone calls.  According to the cops, by law I was entitled to three calls.  Abby’s number popped into my head right away, naturally.  Who else could better prove my innocence?  In hindsight though, I should’ve organized my thoughts better before I asked her for help.  I totally would’ve, if I hadn’t been so overwhelmed by stress.

But now, I am facing an even more fucked up situation, because I haven’t mentioned the footage to Abby over the phone.  Not intentionally, I swear.  My brain can only handle so much at one time.  Fucking child porn!  I don’t even like the normal porn Abby makes me watch sometimes.  “Child”, as Abby is two weeks shy of 18, a minor under California law.  “Possession and production of porn”, as I was editing the footage on “my” hard drive.  Fuck!  Once the cop shows her the footage, there’s no fucking way I can explain myself.

No wait!  If it wasn’t me, who was it then?  And when?

Oh no...is this what those mood swings and cryings are about?  She never tells me why.  Of course she’d be depressed if she knew about this tape!  Hell, I am depressed from knowing someone’s seen her naked! 

The vision in front of me goes red at the thought of Abby being stripped and posed.  Fuck!  In two weeks she’ll be an adult.  They can make Abby a porn star, legally!  And...and then they’ll send her to some third-world country as a sex slave!  And next...next, she’ll go to Africa where people with albinism get cut up and sold to witch doctors in pieces!

This is not happening!  This is not fucking happening!

Another rush of blood to the head sends  waves of fear that crash me like a tsunami.  I’ve got to think of something, anything, so Abby doesn’t get kill or eaten alive! 

I stand up and start pacing in the room like a caged animal, but each step seems to get heavier and heavier, like my legs are turning into jello.  Man, I’ve never been so exhausted!  As I sit down and drop my forehead to the knee, a brilliant idea hit me - All I need to do, is to make her my property.  Enslave her before anybody else does.  Capitalize the debt she doesn’t know she owes me.  Yet.


Yes, this totally works!  Okay, now I need to put this on paper.  And pay a pricy lawyer to write it in fancy words that nobody understands.

“Lawyer, I need a lawyer!”  I holler on top of my lungs.

The door opens, and a cop walks in leisurely.  He looks familiar, but I am not sure, and I don’t care.  “No problem.  Do you have one, or you need a court appointed attorney?” He asks with a poker face.

“Court attorneys are on your side, I am not that stupid.”  I gesture him to give me the pen in his shirt pocket and write down a phone number on my palm.  “Call my lawyer,” I order. 

He gives me an amused look after he reads the number.  “Are you sure this is the number you want?”  He points at it for confirmation.

I cross the arms over my chest, “Damn right I am sure!  Best lawyer money can buy, and I have plenty.” 

“Okay, if you say so.” He nods, a chuckle escaping his mouth.  “Just remember, three calls only.”  He reminds me unnecessarily, sticking out three fingers to emphasize his point. 

“Got it.”  I try to uncross my arms to give him a military salute, but they feel like two noodles hanging out of my shoulders, so I simply nod in return.

The cop presses two numbers as if he has it on fast dial, and change it to speakerphone mode.  A girl answers the phone cheerfully,  “Dunkin Donuts.  How can I help you?”

“This is Officer Sherman at the Tenderoin Police Station.” Man, this cop sounds like an answer machine. 

“Hi, Officer Sherman!  How many dozens would you like to order?”  Shit, this girl sounds an answer machine too.

I stand up and stumble forward to snatch the phone from the cop, almost knocking it to the floor.  “Hey, Duncan!  I want you to draw up a contract for me.” I bark into the phone.

“Excuse me?”

“That’s right.  I want you to draw up a contract that says my girlfriend needs to pay me back the one grand in one thousand installments, in the form of sex.”  I smirk as I mentally applaud my brilliant idea. 

The cop doesn’t seem to like it though. He yanks the phone from my hand before ending the call and shouts into my ears, “what are you, pulling a prank on me?” 

I protest with my noodley arms, “hey, I wasn’t done yet!  it’s my legal right to make three calls, isn’t it?”  I mumble as I jot down the next number that comes to my head and shove my palm to his face, “here, call this number.”

The cop shakes his head as he dials with the next number, pointing the phone at me and mouths, “third call.”

“Daniel speaking.” A vaguely familiar voice answers.

“This is Officer Sherman at the Tenderoin Police Station.”  Damn, this guy’s good.  I bet he’s a robot.

The robot stifles a laugh and sticks the phone into my hand.  It’s like he reads my mind and knows I can’t hold on to the phone tight any more.  Well, of course he can read minds.  He’s a fucking robot!

“Hey, Daniel!  I want you to come to the police station and draw me a contract.”

“Chase?”  Daniel calls out my name in question and asks, “what are you talking about?”

“How many times do I have to repeat myself?”  I grunt irritably. “A contract!  I want you to put together a contract that says Abby has to pay me, the priority creditor, the money she owes in one thousand installments, in the form of sex.  You know, like when you go bankrupt, the payment goes to me first?”

“Are you drunk?” He asks.

“No!  There’s a cop robot here.  I can do a breath test if you don’t believe me.”  My patience is wearing thin.  Geez, why do people have to be so difficult and stupid?  I explain a little further, “It means, she cannot have sex with anyone else until she pays off this debt to me.”


Okay, this guy is not qualified for the job.  “Fine, I’ll get someone else.”

Ending the call, I write down another number and show it to the robot.  “Try this one.”

The robot lets out a full on belly laugh and grabs the phone back, “three calls only, remember?”

I scoff and reach for my wallet.  Why is my wallet so heavy?  Ah, because there’s a lot of money inside.  I chuckle at my own stupidity uncontrollably.  Taking out the hundred bills seems to like a much harder tasks now.  I end up dropping them to the floor.  Signaling to the robot to pick up the green papers I say, “Give me a break, man.  I’ve got a lot more lawyers lined up.” 

This cracks the robot up even more.  “Enough, you pothead.  No money’s gonna buy you more calls.”  As he picks up the money and stuffs them back into my wallet, he catches something inside and his eyes light up.  Waving my wallet at me, the robot comments with a sly grin, “Thanks for the entertainment tonight.  I’ll see you soon.”  A second later, he’s gone again.

“What the...You are supposed to leave the phone after taking my money, you asshole!”  I want to go after him or yell some more, but shit, how can I fight a robot? 

Fine.  I’ll just wait here and rest a little.  Maybe close my eyes.  Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.  Lovely idea.  Awesome.  Fantastic.  Excellent.  Fantasllent.  Excelstic.  Awecellent.  Fantasome.  Heheh, I am really good at this.  Maybe I can do better with my eyes closed.  Yeah, let’s try that.


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