【译文】Develop Resiliency: How to Move Towards Your Fears



Develop Resiliency: How to Move Towards Your Fears


By Leo Babauta

【译文】Develop Resiliency: How to Move Towards Your Fears_第1张图片

One of the things we tend to do habitually is move away from things we’re afraid of. How very human, how very loving, to protect ourselves!


Unfortunately that tendency to avoid fears is exactly what limits us.


We avoid our fear of pain,humiliation, anxiety, looking stupid, failing … and we develop all kinds of ways to protect ourselves, from walling ourselves off from danger and being overwhelmed, to avoiding difficult conversations, difficult projects, and any situations where we might flopon our faces.


But how can we connect with others in an intimate way if we avoid being vulnerable? How can we become more loving in our relationships if we avoid putting our pride aside and having those scary conversations?


How can we ever push into a new project, start a new business, pursue what we love … if we constantly put it off for fear of looking like an idiot?


How can we learn anything if we look for certainty and avoid uncertainty? You can’t learn chess (for example) without playing a bunch of games and losing them… so we avoid real learning and just read about it. Real learning ispostponedwhile weshirkfrom uncertainty.


We want someone to give us the magic answer, when the real answer is that we have to become uncomfortable, we have to work hard, we have to allow ourselves to feel fear.


So the answer is to stop running. Instead, move towards the fear.


When you are feeling afraid of going to asocial event, move towards that fear. Do it, and don’t allow yourself to run.


When you notice yourself wanting to avoid a conversation, steel yourself up and freakin’initiate it.


When you are procrastinating on the hard stuff, open your heart to it and move towards it.


The fear you feel, the anxiety … it is your beacon. It is the place you should go to, instead of moving away from.


The fear is the place where you’ll grow. It’s where you’ll learn, and love, and connect, and become free of all your old limitations.


New words

1.resiliency英  [rɪ'zɪlɪənsɪ] 美  [rɪ'zɪlɪjənsi] 

n. 弹性;跳回

e.g.These citywide resiliency issues should be reflected in a strong Donghu public space strategy.


2.habitually英  [hə'bitjuəli] 美  [hə'bitjuəli] 

adv. 习惯地;日常地

e.g.The little girl habitually fell asleep clutching a battered doll, her palladium .

那小女孩习惯抱一个破旧的娃娃入睡, 那是她的守护神。

3.humiliation英  [,hjuːmɪlɪ'eɪʃn] 美  [hjʊ,mɪlɪ'eʃən] 

n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑

e.g.She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.


4.overwhelmed英  [,əʊvə'welmd] 美  [,ovɚ'wɛlmd] 

v. 受打击,压倒(overwhelm的过去式);淹没 adj. 受宠若惊的,使不知所措

e.g.It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.


5.flop英  [flɒp] 美  [flɑp] 

vi. 失败;扑通落下 n. 失败;砰然落下

e.g.Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.


6.postpone英  [pəʊs(t)'pəʊn; pə'spəʊn] 美  [po'spon] 

vt. 使…延期、拖延

e.g.He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day.


7.shirk英  [ʃɜːk] 美  [ʃə:k] 

vt. 逃避

e.g.The government will not shirk from considering the need for further action.



e.g.Freakin idiot! What's he got up his sleeve? No one goes to North Korea…especially to watch a basketball game with their communistic leader!


9.procrastinate英  [prə(ʊ)'kræstɪneɪt] 美  [pro'kræstɪnet] vt. 耽搁,延迟

e.g.Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do.



1.move away from从…离开

2.put it off延后;搁置

3.push into推进;推动(做某事)

4.social event社会活动


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