Apache Cordova?




PhoneGap is Adobe’s productised version and ecosystem on top of Cordova. Like PhoneGap, many other tools and frameworks are also built on top of Cordova, including Ionic,[7] Monaca, TACO, the Intel XDK,[8] and the Telerik Platform

Cordova 是一个基于 Web 的 跨平台 的 移动应用开发 框架,其主要特点就是直接将 H5 应用(Embedded applications)嵌入到一个原生容器(native container)中;Wiki is a good start;

  • Free and open source: Source Code;
  • 一套代码(one code base);
  • The native distribution format of each platform;
使用 Cordova 的框架(Cordova Tools)

基于 Cordova 平台,有一批框架可以选择;如果把 cordova作为 linux kernel 看的话,Ionic 就是一个 centos;

  • PhoneGap;
  • Telerik;
    Offering application development tools; kendo-ui-core, NativeScript;
  • Intel XDK;
    Five Useful Tips on Getting Started Building Cordova Mobile Apps with the Intel® XDK;
    这篇文章对 hybrid app 讲得清楚;
Apache Cordova?_第1张图片
high-level view of the cordova application architecture
  • 使用 CSS3 和 HTML5 渲染,JavaScript 做逻辑;
  • foreign function interface;
    Design Issues for Foreign Function Interfaces;
  • Embedding WebViews;
    How to create your own WebView components that make full use of Cordova APIs.
  • Best Practices Cordova app development;
    1)采用 SPA(Single Page Application),源于 deviceready 事件;
Plugin Development Guide

A Cordova plugin bridges a bit of functionality between the WebView powering a Cordova application and the native platform the Cordova application is running on. Plugins are composed of a single JavaScript interface used across all platforms, and native implementations following platform-specific Plugin interfaces that the JavaScript calls into. All of the core Cordova APIs are implemented using this architecture.

  • What is a WebView?;这篇文章对 WebView 和 hybrid app 讲得清楚;
  • iOS WKWebView / UIWebView;Apple API Reference: WebKit;
  • WebView for Android;
  • Building Web Apps in WebView;
  • WebView Class in Android;
  • WebView-based Applications for Web Developers,这里告诉你不可以使用绝对路径;

    Note: Absolute paths do not work in the WebView when referring to other files, such as CSS and JavaScript. So make sure you make all references relative, instead of absolute (for example, instead of "/pages/somelink.html", use "./pages/somelink.html").


  • Crosswalk Project
    Build world class hybrid apps: Enable the most advanced web innovations with the Crosswalk Project web runtime to develop powerful Android and Cordova apps. wiki overview is better;
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cross-Platform Mobile Development;

    Apache Cordova?_第2张图片
    Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cross-Platform Mobile Development

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