iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device

昨晚把一直想买的iPad mini4给拿下了,晚上11.34下的单 第二天的3.30就拿到了,京东真是快。

本来一天都在弄文件下载,断点下载进度条多线程之类的事情,老大说把我们app RUN 到iPad上看看。R了一下bulid失败了。错误信息

Provisioning profile "match Development com.XXX.YYY" doesn't include the currently selected device "XXX".
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'


Xcode 8 cannot run on device, provisioning profile problems mentioning Apple Watch


I had the same issue today - XCode Version 8.0 (8A218a) - and fixed it with two simple steps (instead of the more complicated approach above:

  1. add the Apple Watch to member center (did not find a copy&paste option either)
  2. edit the development provisioning profile and add the watch to devices, save
  3. go to XCode prefs, move the old provisioning profile to trash (right click on the name) and download the new version
  4. set the new provisioning profile in project editor
    No restart, clean or anything else needed. Worked like a charm


UDID可以通过 iTunes 拿到。

iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第1张图片


拿到这个UDID 登录到 苹果开发者中心

登录账号后 找到

iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第2张图片


iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第3张图片
iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第4张图片



iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第5张图片

Select All

iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device_第6张图片


再去xcode 重新下载一下描述文件 clean 一下就OK了


你可能感兴趣的:(iOS - Doesn't include the currently selected device)