
译者:林志立  作者:Sandra Gonzalez, Scott McLean, Sara Weisfeldt and Topher Gauk-Roger, CNN

Taylor Swift

(CNN)After nearly four hours of deliberation, a jury ruled in favor of pop star Taylor Swift in her countersuit against former radio host David Mueller for alleged assault and battery.

(CNN)经过将近四个小时的审议,针对前电台主持人大卫•穆勒(David Mueller)涉嫌侵犯和殴打她的反诉讼案,陪审团的裁决有利于流行歌星泰勒•斯威夫特(Taylor Swift )。



英英释义:a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy

例句:and even if you are wearing a suit to school today, it ain’t owing suit.【CNN News, 2014.7】


Swift accused Mueller of groping her at a meet-and-greet event in June 2013. He will be required to pay $1 in damages to Swift.

斯威夫特(Swift )指控穆勒(Mueller)在2013年6月的一次见面会中偷摸她。他将赔偿1美元给斯威夫特。

accuse of指控

例句:I brought him here, and now my friends accuse him of murder! 【绑架】


The jury, comprised of six women and two men, also found the singer's mother, Andrea Swift, not liable for tortious interference.

6个女人2个男人组成的陪审团,包括歌手的母亲安德烈娅·斯威夫特(Andrea Swift)没有倾向于非法的性骚扰。


英英释义:of or pertaining to the nature of a tort

例句:Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution.


After the reading of the verdict, Swift embraced her mother.


In a statement, Swift thanked the judge and her legal team for "fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault."

在一份声明中,斯威夫特感谢陪审团和她的“为我和任何感觉受到性侵犯保持沉默的人而战斗” 法律团队。

"I acknowledge the privilege that I benefit from in life, in society and in my ability to shoulder the enormous cost of defending myself in a trial like this," Swift added in the statement, obtained by CNN. "My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard.



例句:Ms. Raggi ran a campaign promising to fight corruption and privilege. 【BBC News, 2016.6】


Therefore, I will be making donations in the near future to multiple organizations that help sexual assault victims defend themselves.


Mueller had sued Swift, the singer's mom Andrea Swift, and radio promotions director Frank Bell in 2015, accusing them of interfering with his $150,000/year contract as a local morning radio DJ in Denver by pressuring his employer, KYGO radio, to fire him.

2015年,穆勒起诉斯威夫特,歌手的母亲安德烈娅·斯威夫特(Andrea Swift)和电台的宣传总监弗兰克·贝尔(Frank Bell),指控他们通过向他的老板(KYGO radio)施压,开除他,妨碍他作为丹佛当地早晨的电台播音员而获得每年15万美元的合约。

Bell was also found not liable for tortious interference.

贝尔(Frank Bell)也没有偏向于非法的性骚扰。

Swift was dismissed as a defendant in Mueller's suit on Friday after a judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to show that Swift had acted improperly.



英英释义:cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration

词组:dismiss from解雇,开除

例句:That is not to dismiss the accomplishments of his first term.【经济学人


Swift's lawsuit against Mueller argued that the trial would "serve as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts."

针对穆勒的斯威夫特(Swift) 诉讼案认为审判可以“作为其他女人公开抗拒再次体验相似无耻和羞辱行为的一个例子。”


例句:The UN describes the chemical weapons use as outrageous and unacceptable. 【CNN News


例句:He didn’t see his job as humiliating and he always had a nice word to say to everyone he encountered. 【BBC News


After the verdict, Swift's attorney, Doug Baldridge, said the ruling was "not just a win" but "something that can make a difference."

判决后,斯威夫特(Swift)的律师道格•鲍德里奇(Doug Baldridge)说裁决是“不仅仅是一场胜利”,而且是“能够对一些事产生影响。”

make a difference对……产生影响

例句:CNN heroes: ordinary people who make a difference in their communities. 【CNN News


"It takes people like Taylor, wonderful people like Taylor, who we all know, to stand up and draw these lines," he told the press.


He added: "As I said in the closing [argument], that dollar, that single dollar, is of immeasurable value in this ever going fight to figure out where the lines are, what's right and what's wrong."


CNN's Scott McLean spoke with Mueller on the phone Monday night.

CNN的斯科特·麦克林(Scott McLean)星期一晚上打电话给穆勒。

"My heart is still set on proving my innocence," Mueller said. "I'm resolute."




