access n.
释义:the right or opportunity to use or benefit from something
“access”作名词最基本的意思是“入口(access to the meeting room)”。今天我们来学习它作名词的引申用法:“享用某物的权利或机会”。不管是哪层意思,它都是不可数名词。当我们想使用 enjoy 和 receive 的时候,就可以试着用 access。经常会有家长说现在的孩子非常幸运,没吃过上一代人吃过的苦,有各种各样的选择和机遇。就可以这样说:
例① Youngsters today have access to a wide range of educational choices unimaginable a generation ago.
Today’s youths have access to a vast array of educational opportunities denied/unknown to the earlier generation.
例② 很多有才华的人决定留在生活压力巨大的大城市无非是为了子女能够接受更好的教育,享用更好的医疗资源。
Despite intolerably high pressure, many talented people decide to stay in big cities because of easy access to excellent educational and medical resources.
例③ Big cities in general attract the most talented minds because they provide easy access to superb schools and hospitals.
access 后常接介词 to,access to X,就是说“享用 X”。
例④ 谷歌公司的企业使命非常有名,原话是“to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful。” 我们可以试着改写一下:
Google’s corporate mission is to manage information everywhere and give universal access to everyone.
1. 使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查 “access”,了解它作为名词时的常用搭配。
easy/ free/ unlimited/ unrestricted access容易进入;自由使用;不受限制的享用
limited, poor, restricted
immediate/ instant/ quick/ rapid access
equal/ public/ random access
vehicular/ wheelchair access 车辆专用信道;轮椅专用信道
give (sb) , offer (sb) , provide (sb with) access to 给(某人)使用权/ 接近的机会;为(某人)提供使用的途径:The new computer provides access to all the files.
allow (sb) , grant (sb) 允许(某人)使用;准许(某人)进入
deny sb, prevent, refuse (sb) , restrict 拒绝(某人)进入/ 使用;阻止进入;限制进入;限制使用 Some people are being denied access to proper medical care. 有些人被拒于正规医疗之外。
2. 翻译: 男人和女人应该享有平等的受教育和就业的权利。
Men and Women should have equal access to education and employment.
(参考翻译:No man or woman should be denied equal access to education and employment.)
3. 造句练习
场景: 高学历是好工作的敲门砖。
造句: Higher education provides good access to better jobs.