


几个小时前,在”英国红领巾"微信公众号上看到一则重磅消息:《安吉丽娜朱莉要到伦敦政治经济学院教书了!目测出勤率会爆棚!》。(原文链接为: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MzAxMDUwMA==&mid=2652627657&idx=1&sn=004d97b4c08571ad6cd347cf3a814f4d&scene=0#wechat_redirect)原文说,“安吉丽娜朱莉将会来学校(LSE)任职visiting professor”,也就是“客座教授”。




这种不为女神美貌所动,勇敢进行质疑的精神值得提倡。不过,奔着“再发掘一个学霸女神,作为赶论文deadline的鸡血来源”的目的,同时怀着严(duo)谨(yi)的态度,我打开了google,搜索“LSE visiting professor Angelina Jolie”,在搜索结果里快速扫视了一下,从网站缩写判断,第三条应该是来自于LSE官网(http://www.lse.ac.uk/newsAndMedia/news/archives/2016/05/WPS-Visiting-Professors-in-Practice.aspx),于是打开。


等等!原文绝大多数时候在提到他们的职位时,说的是Visiting Professors in Practice,而不是Visiting Professors。该消息的最后一段说:LSE confers the title of Visiting Professor in Practice on persons who have appropriate distinction within their area of (non-academic) practice. It includes individuals who have achieved prominence in public service, or who have attained distinction in their profession and through their practical experience. 看似普通的一段话,其实却很关键,因为这个Visiting Professors in Practice实践客座教授(或客座实践教授,不知道该怎么翻译,貌似是LSE独创的,因为百度和google暂时都没查到其他大学有同样的title)是授予在某些非学术领域实践中表现卓越的人,包括那些在公共服务领域有杰出表现,或在自己的职业和实践经历中成就卓越的人。

总不会LSE的客座教授都是这样的聘请标准,都不考虑学术能力吗?我试着在google中搜索“visiting professor in practice LSE”,很快找到了一条有价值的信息,是LSE官网上一篇题为LSE Visiting Staff Scheme的文章:


以下这两段摘自该文。第一段解释Visiting Professors in Practice的话就是刚才LSE那条关于朱莉的新闻里的最后一段(可以无视了),而第二段的Visiting Professor显然是另外一回事。我猜它才是我们更为熟悉的“客座教授”,聘任的主要标准估计是学术能力强。

Visiting Professors in Practice

The Visiting Professor in Practice title is for those who have appropriate distinction within their area of practice without having sufficient academic distinction. It includes individuals who may have achieved prominence in public life, or who have attained distinction in their  profession. The appointment carries no emolument. Persons who are granted Visiting Professor in Practice status can use the LSE Library and can become members of the Senior Common Room. The School is not normally able to offer Visiting Professors in Practice any office space or secretarial assistance.

Visiting Professors

The School may confer the title of Visiting Professor on persons of appropriate distinction whose connections with the School are appropriate to the visiting title. The appointment carries no emolument. The School reserves the right to reject a Visiting Professor application and either suggest the conferment of Visiting Professor in Practice or Visiting Fellow/Visiting Senior Fellow status, as appropriate, instead.Persons who are granted Visiting Professor status can use the LSE Library and can become members of the Senior Common Room. The School is not normally able to offer Visiting Professors any office space or secretarial assistance.


肯定有人要继续问了:“就算这样,那她就够格做Visiting Professors in Practice”吗?她不就是作秀一样地慰问了几次难民吗?“

我的回答是:Sorry, I know too little about her to have an opinion. 我读书少,你别问我。

