Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Behavior Design

Top/Bottom(顶部/底部) (经济系数列表) 将选中的经济系数移到列表顶部/底部。
Up/Down(向上/向下) (经济系数列表) 在列表中将选中的经济系数上移/下移一个位置。
Coefficient(系数) 从下拉经济系数(名称)列表(在右手侧)选中的系数名称。
Variable (1)(变量1) 使用此列为线性项或双线性项首个变量分配变量。从变量列表中拖放变量。
Variable (2)(变量2) 使用此列为双线性项的第二个变量分配变量。从变量列表中拖放变量。
如前面提到的,SMOCPro可以从实时优化器(RTO)中读取CV目标值。若要启用此功能,在控制器设计时单击如下图所示的Remote Target(远程终端)。

Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Behavior Design_第1张图片


Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Behavior Design_第2张图片

用户在设计控制器时,有两个重要的地方是必须定义的:每个子控制器的控制和优化相对重要性;以及被控变量特性(本地还是全局)。用户指定每个子控制器对总的SMOC控制器的重要度是非常重要的。若要在SMOCPro中启动此过程,单击Sub Controller Behavior Design(子控制器行为设计)节点。出现以下窗口。

Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Behavior Design_第3张图片

让我们举个例子以更好地说明这些概念。上图中已指定了两个子控制器。在此窗口中,当整个SMOC控制器处于控制和优化模式时, Importance Matrix(重要性矩阵)允许用户指出每个子控制器的意义。在本例中Sub-controller 1(子控制器1)被定义为 Essential for Control(基本控制)。这意味着如果子控制器1当前处于非活跃状态,在最长非活跃时间过后,SMOCPro将把控制器状态由控制切换为挂起。在本例中Sub-controller 2(子控制器2)被定义为 Critical for Optimization(临界优化)。与前面一样,当子控制器2处于非活跃状态,在最长非活跃时间过后,SMOCPro将把控制器状态由优化切换为控制。

Top/Bottom (Economic Coefficient list) Move the selected economic coefficient to the top or bottom of the list.
Up/Down (Economic Coefficient list) Move the selected economic coefficient one position up or down the list.
Coefficient Coefficient name chosen from the economic coefficient (name) list (on the right-hand side) shown as a drop down list.
Variable (1) Use this column to assign a variable in a linear term or as first variable in a bilinear term. Drag and drop the variable from the variable lists.
Variable (2) Use this column to assign a variable as second variable in a bilinear term. Drag and drop the variable from the variable lists.
NOTE: For constant terms in the economic function, variable (1) and (2) are omitted.
As was previously mentioned, SMOCPro can read CV targets from a Real Time Optimizer (RTO). To enable this feature, while in controller design click on the check box Remote Target as shown on the figure below.
Clicking the RT box automatically triggers the following dialog box to open. Now you can specify a name for the economic function that will enable the downloading of CV targets from the RTO module.
A new economic function is added to the list of economic functions; this economic function does not have an explicit expression defined here since the target is obtained from the RTO.
**Sub-controller Behavior Design **
There are two important features that the user must define when designing the controllers: the importance of each sub-controller with respect to control and optimization; and, the characteristics of the controlled variables (local vs. global). It is important that the user specify how vital each of the sub-controllers is to the overall SMOC controller. To initiate this procedure in SMOCPro, click on the Sub Controller Behavior Design node. The following window appears.
Let us explain an example to better illustrate the concepts. Two sub-controllers have been specified in the figure above. In this window, the Importance Matrix allows the user to indicate the significance of each sub-controller for both the control and optimization modes of the overall SMOC controller. In this case, Sub-controller 1 is defined as being Essential for Control. This means that if Sub-controller 1 is currently inactive, SMOCPro will switch the controller mode from control to standby after Maximum Time Inactive has elapsed. Now in this example Sub-controller 2 is defined as being Critical for Optimization. Just as in the previous case, SMOCPro will switch the controller mode from optimization to control whenever Sub-controller 2 has been inactive for greater than the Maximum Time Inactive specification.


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