2018-08-02 A way of thinking

Procrastinators, I fit all the criteria better than my current diagnoses. 

A little monkey in the brain thinking about easy and fun, usually show up and take control of the rational mind. So, paper pill up. Things got delayed. Till the monster of panic shows up.

To most people, they never get started in chasing their dreams because of the nature of after easy and fun.

Luckily, Me, the procrastinator, realize that I am fit with the diagnosis. It is common that sometimes I failed in concentration on reviewing. 

Why is concentration too hard?

Firstly, other stressful things may distract me greatly. Waisting the precious time and energy. 

Secondly, sitting there study is not fun. It is hard work. 

Here introduces a way of thinking.

Concentrate on the bad habits you do. Think about what a bad loop you may get into and miss all the chances. Feeling that depress if you chose the bad habbit, like easy and fun. 

Concentrate on the good things so important and may make a big difference of your life propose and quality. Imagine what a great feeling you gain knowledge and also, going on the high way to realizing your goal. Must feeling amazing. 

Do that if you have trouble concentrate. 

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