


Topic 2 Levelling the Paying Field

1.New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks.


2.Customers need barely ever interact with their bank. 客户几乎不再需要与他们的银行打交道。

3.European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.


4.Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.。 金融科技公司们正开始发起一场挑战,主要致力于欧洲北方的线上支付这块产业。但他们在欧洲其他地区很难发挥影响力。

5.Regulators,however, are about to transform the landscape. 然而,监管者们正要改变这种局面。

6.Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.银行业紧紧控住付款服务这一最方便的收入来源。

7.Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection.Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters,offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition.阻力主要表现为对数据保护的担忧。这种担忧是合法的却也为银行阻碍竞争提供了一个合适托辞,金融科技支持者辩论道。

8.Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money. 尽管抱怨连天,客户在资金上还是相信银行。


become overdrawn: 变得透支

nudge them to save more 促使他们节约些

have easy access to:容易进入

kick-start competition:推动竞争

give explicit consent 给予明确准许

one-click bank transfer:一键银行转帐

low-value payments:小额度的付款

tighten up security:加强安全

guide them toward:引导他们走向

rich data:庞大数据

leave them in a weaker position: 陷他们于劣势位置

robust data-protection system: 稳固数据保护系统

insured against losses from fraud:投保欺诈损失

perfect on paper: 完美计划

team up with:联手合作

exploit newcomers technology:利用新参与者的技术
