April 4 Work, Place

想要思考两个问题:1. LC内部团队建设、公司文化营造问题;2. LC future vision 


How to make LC, the place I am working and spend most of the my daytime everyday, a better workplace, or even the best workplace, just like Google or many of the companies with the best company culture and workplace environment? That is a really important question for me, I think. In fact, thinking of this question makes me excited. 我希望自己是一名拓荒者,一个创造者,an explorer, a frontier, a creator。在一个startup, or startup-like company的好处就在于,一切从零开始。就如同建设一个新的国家。我想,对于一个新的国家的奠基人,the questions the founding fathers will ask are how to make this country a better place, an ideal land for people to live

同样的,当我思考internship plan的时候,我觉得我应该从这个角度来思考,从这个方向来对待这个事情。how to make this a perfect workplace for interns, for our staff. what are the features of an ideal workplace that people are looking for? learning centre, creativity hub, respect and freedom, active, cool, vibrant, efficient, etc. who will be working here? people like me, of similar background, similar age, or people unlike myself, like the current local staff 

i wish LC can attract the best people in the future, or not just attract the best people, but make everyone who works here feel this is the best place to work and live

当我这样想的时候,我想到前两天问自己的问题,我真的热爱什么吗?当我未来某天回忆自己这几年的时光,我真的投入、热爱吗?我忽然意识到,这件事情将成为我的热爱。我为此灌注了心血,投入了情感和精力,为这些即将到来的intern,也为了更多将会在这里工作的所有人,我带着爱做这样一件事情。仁波切说过,愿心很重要,事实上,愿心是做一件事情最重要的部分。仅仅是发心,就能积累巨大的福德。我愿带着巨大的、无私的爱,为所有已经在此、即将来LC工作的人,创造一个充满了爱、平等、尊重、积极向上的充电厂,让每一个人都能获得最好的工作体验,让每一个人最大地发挥他/她的潜能、创造力。这个伟大的事情,将从眼下的intern plan起。

2. LC future vision 

还记得在wishbook上写过的关于对LC的愿景。一个worldly intellectual base, where the best intellectuals of the world come and share ideas, ideas that will make people happier and make this world a better place, ultimately. 今日MCK推荐的这个作家似乎就是这个方向的人,如何利用这样的资源?或者如何为这样的人服务?我需要再仔细读一读她的网站,看看她是做什么的,大致会有什么样的诉求,然后我再思考应该如何跟我们结合。希望能够朝着这个vision迈进一小步。a small leap forward 


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