Book Review of everything is the best

   Every time you give something to your friends or some other people as their birthday gift or something else,what are you thinking about?How often do you expect back from the person you gave something to,a gift of a similar or greater value?I asked myself after reading the book.

   To be honest,I often expect to recieve a birthday present for the person I've gave presents to.From my point of view,it is quite normal.For me,I don't care the value of the gift.What I really care is whether you put me in your heart.And I think giving back a gift is an action that show you care me.At least,you still remember me at such special day.In addition,a gift can not only be an item but also a kiss,a bless or something else.

   In a word,I think it is granted that I expect for a gift in return from those I gave gifts to.Because it tells me my stage in your heart.

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