Universal Principle of Design- 1

1 Flexibility Trade-Offs. (权衡理论,此消彼长)  Jack of all trades, master of none.

2 Alignment

3 Feature Creep. 功能蔓延, 范围蔓延

4 Desire Lines(新源路径)- Traces fo use or wear that indicate preferred methods of interaction.

Universal Principle of Design- 1_第1张图片
Universal Principle of Design- 1_第2张图片

  Desire lines are a a noninvasive, unbiased,and statistical measure of how people actually use things.

5 Top-Down Lighting Bias. - Use a single, top-left light source to make things look natural and inviting. Adjust the difference between light and dark areas to vary the perception of depth.

6 Iteration- How the long way an be the short way. 

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Universal Principle of Design- 1_第4张图片

So what is iteration in the context of design?Iteration is defined as repeating a set of design,development, and test operations,with each repetition building on the last,until the desired result is achieved.

7 Garbage In- Garbage Out: The Science of Taking Out the Trash

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Universal Principle of Design- 1_第6张图片

The phrase means that the quality of system outputis largely dependent on the quality of system input.Simply stated, bad input gives you bad output.

8 Hick's Law. When It Pays to Run with the Herd.

9 KISS- Keep It Sample Stupid

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Universal Principle of Design- 1_第8张图片

10 Left-Digit-Effect

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Universal Principle of Design- 1_第10张图片

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