【EOS Gov】Thomas: EOS.IO宪法草案第三条——仲裁



本文原文链接为https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/630/article-iii-v0-3-0-draft-eos-io-constitution-arbitration#latest ,Thomas Cox在EOS GO中更新了宪法草案的内容,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。

Article III - v0.3.0 Draft EOS.IO Constitution - Arbitration

第三条: 0.3.0版本 EOS.IO宪法草案——仲裁

【EOS Gov】Thomas: EOS.IO宪法草案第三条——仲裁_第1张图片

Thomas Cox


As previously discussed in the Design Principles of this Draft, the EOSIO Software will provide a "governed blockchain" where disputes can be resolved via binding arbitration. The purpose of this article is simply to establish and authorize the existence of binding arbitration.


正如之前的设计原则草案 *(https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/424/design-principles-of-my-v0-1-draft-eos-io-constitution) *所讨论的那样,EOSIO软件将提供一个“治理区块链”,通过有约束力的仲裁解决纠纷。本文的目的仅仅是建立和授权具有约束力的仲裁的存在。

Text of Article

All Members agree to resolve disputes through the blockchain’s default arbitration process, or any other process that the parties to a transaction may mutually agree to.




Contracts are the primary way property rights are exchanged on a blockchain. Since we can't count on the code to be perfect, we need a case-by-case exception handling process.

There will be (I believe) a separate "Arbitration Agreement" between the chain and the Arbitrators. There will also (I believe) be at least one fully formed Arbitration Forum with Rules of Dispute Resolution (RDRs) and a team of Arbitrators, ready to go at launch or very shortly thereafter.

There will need to be (I imagine) system level contracts for tracking default-level arbitration cases.

There will need to be a method of notification of parties when someone files a dispute against you, so you can be aware that it's happened. The notification method may be an on-chain broadcast that Members are responsible for monitoring, not unlike "publishing notice in a newspaper of record".


Article III implies several things:

- On-chain disputes get handled via the chain's arbitration process.

- Off-chain disputes get handled like they already do off-chain. (Humans have been disputing things with each other for all of recorded history, and surely beyond.)

- If you're not sure your dispute is on- or off-chain, file a dispute and ask.

- To limit gaming and 'arbitration spam' there will almost certainly be filing fees. Abuse of the system could itself lead to a dispute against the abuser, leading to his having to pay a fine and/or face some other consequence.

Questions and Answers

Many people have asked questions about how on-chain arbitration will work:

- What if the arbitrator is secretly colluding with one of the disputing parties?

There are a very few grounds for appealing an arbitrator's decision. One is that the arbitratorwasn't independent.

- What if the arbitrator is flat out wrong?

There are a very few grounds for appealing an arbitrator's decision. One is that the arbitrator was grossly incompetent.

- What if the arbitrator (fill in other mistake)?

Arbitration has been used for many decades. Arbitrators can make mistakes on-chain or off-chain. If you're curious how a particular mistake is handled in arbitration, you should be researching arbitration, not blockchains.

- Will arbitrator decisions be legal off of the blockchain?

Yes. Every effort is being made to ensure that on-chain arbitration is binding both on- and off-chain. Fortunately, since 1958 over 150 countries have signed agreements to recognize and enforce the decisions of arbitrators, including arbitrators who are not resident in those countries. We have every reason to believe EOSIO blockchain on-chain arbitration will be treated in the exact same way, if ever an on-chain arbitration case should end up in front of a national court of law.

- Does arbitration have to be agreed to in advance?

That's best practice, yes. Two people could always agree to a new arbitration process and forum AFTER a dispute arises, but then again they could also agree to settle the dispute without any arbitrator at all. Experience suggests that specifying the arbitration forum in advance is the better way.





当有人向你提出异议时,需要有一种通知当事方方法,让你知道发生了这种情况。可以是通过会员负责监控的链上广播来通知,与“ 记录报纸上的发布通知 ”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper_of_record#Newspapers_of_public_record)不同。



  • 在链上的纠纷通过链上仲裁程序得到处理。

  • 在链下的纠纷处理就像他们已经在链下了一样(人类一直在为所有有记录的历史彼此争辩,而且肯定超越了)。

  • 如果不确定你的纠纷是在链上还是链下,请提出你的诉求。

  • 为了限制不正经的和’仲裁垃圾邮件’,很大可能会有申请费的设置。滥用该制度本身可能会导致与始作俑者的纠纷,让这些人不得不支付罚款和/或面临一些其他后果。



  • 如果仲裁员与纠纷中的一方暗中勾结,怎么解决?


  • 如果仲裁员错了怎么办?


  • 如果仲裁员做错了其他事情怎么办?


  • 仲裁员进行裁决在区块链上是合法的吗?


  • 仲裁是否需要事先商定?


Further Work

This area of the EOSIO Governance suite of offerings is undergoing a lot of work that won't be visible in this article. Ultimately, the Constitution has to authorize and empower arbitration to exist. The work of making it exist is another project that's being worked on right now and that will be shared with the community as it unfolds.

The default set of Rules for Dispute Resolution (RDRs) should answer most people's detailed questions about how arbitration cases will unfold, be decided, and be enforced. That is notspecified in the Constitution.


EOSIO 治理这一领域正在经历很多工作,而其中的细节不会在本文中披露。最终,宪法必须授权和授权仲裁存在,使其存在是另一个正在开展工作的项目,等到社区发布的时候就能分享其成果了。



All EOSIO Software governance settings are provided as default settings that anyone can accept as-is, alter, or replace completely when launching a blockchain. Governance rules and settings can be chosen at launch, and are designed to be capable of being amended by the community after launch.



References 参考链接

Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

Design Principles of the EOSIO Draft Constitution

Proskauer on Arbitration

(Thomas:all opinions are my own. 所有的观点都代表我自己)



本文原文链接为https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/630/article-iii-v0-3-0-draft-eos-io-constitution-arbitration#latest,作者Thomas Cox,译者Lochaiching。转载请参照本文文首说明。


【EOS Gov】Thomas: EOS.IO宪法草案第三条——仲裁_第2张图片

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