万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年11月20日 Day 63


2.Reading: 小恐龙找妈妈

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年11月20日 Day 63_第1张图片




Mum: Today I got something special for you

Baby: What?

Mum: You will see! But first we should play a game. Let's play Handy Dandy.

Baby: Ok.

Mum: Please close your eyes first!Ok, ready

Baby Mum: Handy Dandy, riddled ro.

Which hand will you choose?

Which hand will you choose?

High or low?

Baby: High.

Mum: Yes, you are right

Baby: Mum, what's this?

Mum: This is a jellybean. It is a candy. You can eat it.

Baby: Wow, it's so sweet. I want to play the game again.

游戏2: Creepy Bugs

( Prepare some bug stickers or pictures before the game)

Mum: Let's play Handy Dandy

Mum: Close your eyes. ( Mama stick the bug pictures in each of her hands)

Baby Mum: Handy Dandy, riddled ro

Which hand will you choose?

Which hand will you choose?

High or low?

Baby: Low!

Mum: Ha! Look, you get a spider.

Baby: No, I want High.

Mum: Haha! You get a caterpillar.

Baby: Yucky!

Mum: Fooled you

Baby: Can you put some jelly beans in your hands?

游戏3:  Oh no! A Bomb!

( Prepare a smiling face and a bomb)

Mum: (stick the smiling face in one hand, and stick the bomb in the other). Lets play 'Handy Dandy'

Baby: Ok, I love this game.

Baby Mum: Handy Dandy, riddled ro.

Which hand will you choose?

Which hand will you choose?

High or low?

Baby: Low.

Mum: Ok, you win! You get the smiling face

Baby: It's my turn

Baby: Which hand do you choose?

Mum: High!

Baby: Ha! A bomb!

Mum: Oh, nol (Mum should squat down and pretend to hide from the bomb)

游戏4: Big Bad Wolf

Mum: It's family time! Everyone, come here

Dad: Here I come

Baby: Here I come.

Mum: Dad, you will be the big bad wolf. And we will play Handy Dandy.

Dad Mum: Ok

Baby Mum: Handy Dandy, riddled ro.

Which hand will you choose?

Which hand will you choose?

High or low?

Baby: High

Mum: Yes, you are right! Here is the candy.

(Dad heads toward Baby and tries to get the candy).

Mum: Look, here comes the big bad wolf.

Baby: We can hit him together.

Mum: Ok

Baby Mum: Lets stamp his foot. One, two, three, go.

Dad: Oh, no!!! My foot!

游戏5:  Paste the five features

Look! What's this? It's pieces of stickers.  There are many facial features stickers. These are eyes, ears, mouth nose. Oh there are many spots here. Is that funny?

M: Let's play handy dandy with the smiling face. Who gets the smiling face will be the winner, the winner will choose a sticker for the loser, and paste it on the loser's face.Do you understand the rules?

X: Yes

M: Do you want to play?

X: Yes yes, hurry up

M&X: OK. I play the game first.

M: I get the smilling face, I will choose sticker for you. Haha, I will paste the big mouth on your face, It's your turn now.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年11月20日 Day 63_第2张图片

数学时间: 测量

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年11月20日 Day 63_第3张图片


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