甘比英文拓展写作-描述房间 (2017/1/17)

甘比英文拓展写作-描述房间 (2017/1/17)_第1张图片

House Interior

甘比英文拓展写作-描述房间 (2017/1/17)_第2张图片
House Interior

That's a wooden two-storey house. A 6 steps ladder leans on the wall besides door. It divides the hall to two section, one is entrance hall and the other is dinning room. And the ladder could be used as a book shelf since it is wider than other normal one. The top of the ladder connect with a semi circular terrace of upper storey. The opposite of the ladder's door side is a wall with a sliding window, wich's lower part looks like mading by silver birch.
Then let's take a look at the dinning room. There's a double chairs table againsts the wall besides the ladder. The other side of dinning room is a cabinet with a sink and a sterilizer. A little rectangle window wich decorated by some bars makes the house more brighter.
There're a wall clock, 3 morning-glory lights, and some pans hang on walls of the room. Its all make the room more vitality. And the black window frame and white sterilizer make the unsophisticated wooden house more modern.

甘比英文拓展写作-描述房间 (2017/1/17)_第3张图片

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